Along with Martin, Dutch Gunderson, Lana and Sally Decker

oooh! are we playing Buzzword Bingo?  I select Agile, Disruptive and lower case e

If you can afford it, for sure. Especially in the area where I live (think $1M as entry-level, if you can find one).

Basically everywhere on the coasts and places like CO are just absolutely batshit insane right now. As i mentioned upthread there are real demographic reasons for this combined with a significant lack of house building since the last crash 10+ years ago. Its a perfect storm.

I dont necessarily think this is a red flag but context matters. This town is ~45 minutes from Telluride and there are just very few homes for sale at prices that me w/an upper middle class income can afford. Basically everything is 7 figures or higher out that way which is just out of reach for anyone who isnt really

I just bought a 2nd house in basically the only mountain (not fancy ski town, just mountain town near a ski area) town in a blue area (no way in fuck im living in Meeker or Craig) and my mortgage company waived appraisal given the price and location.

Yeah my Dad is our agent and he said the same thing, that people paying 50K-100K over asking don’t realize that in a few years when they try to sell... surprise! You’re underwater!

Not in the neighborhood I live in (DMV). Houses are going for $100k over, and people are paying it! Cash, no-appraisal, you name it.

House valuation is a notoriously shady practice. When we sold our house 2 years ago, the shady loan company that the buyers used sent over a shady appraiser, and I happened to be home when he came by. So I asked him a couple questions, and he was EXTREMELY blunt about his job.

Ha, me too buddy.

OK, I know less than anyone on earth about this crash. All I can go by that watching 3 seasons of “Drive to Survive” taught me Red Bull in general, Verstappen and Horner in particular are a bunch of belligerent assholes who can’t get over the fact that they keep getting beat.

Wolff was told by Masi to go see the stewards. He was invited to do so.

Go back and watch their hands in the corner. Lewis picked a line, turned in and held the turn angle. Max turns in, straightens out then turns in harder. It’s almost as if Max expected Lewis to back out of the spot after his first turn in. Lewis didn’t.

Hello Lewis Hamilton here, just want everybody to know I am nice and relaxed having relocated my belongings into the heads of Max and Horner.  Who knew it was soooo easy to gain access and that it is like Hotel California in here.  

Methinks they doth protest too much.

Agreed 100%. It’s not a vintage daily driver, it’s a car show/parade/museum piece and only a maniac with a very broad and deep set of skills could create one as nice from bits of less-whole cloth. Nice Price for the right buyer, and No Dice for the vast majority of the free-thinking individuals who whimpering about

This isn’t my jam*, but a quick check shows the price is in line with other Novae of this vintage. It is in great shape and I’m sure there’s a collector who’ll jump on it with the quickness.

I’ll disagree with that, season 3 felt like season 1&2, continuing those stories, but darker. Season 4 and 5 just seem like “hey, here are more episodes.” It’s very “blah” now, whereas in 2017, that season was appointment viewing.

A lot of what’s missing from this season is meaningful family conflict. The show used to be fairly brutal in its depiction of characters trying to win another character’s affection even if they hurt a third character’s feelings in the process. There was the Rick/Beth/Jerry triangle, the Rick/Morty/Summer triangle, the

I think I figured out something about this season that had been happening a lot, that I don’t think I’m a fan of. See Rick and Morty started in a groundedish version of Earth. Sure, Rick can escape to alien worlds and alternate dimensions and all that, and that makes sense in the logic of the show. But now, Earth in

Now when it’s dumb, it’s Family Guy dumb. Something that even The Simpsons at its worst never became (it became bad in a different way), let alone Futurama.