Alien Astronauts Ate My Brain

This man’s continued existence is proof that JFK was not killed by any government plot.

When Ted Cruz is a better human being than our current president it’s terrifying: “The Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, ant-semitism, and hatred that they propagate,” Cruz said in a statement. 

Oh come now. Telling a loved one they have a bat in the cave or coffee breath or their fly is down is one of the cornerstones of a close relationship.I don’t think you are wrong at all. 

“I know the owner” is, even more than vaping, the sign of the irredeemable douchebro.

You might be on to something here.... maybe someone should show him where they’d be taking him if he ordered an attack. And let him know he’d be stuck in there with his wife and kid and no cell reception.

Wall Street analysts are now trying to figure out what will happen to the markets in the event of an all-out nuclear war.

Don’t use my last name. But please do broadcast my smug, punchable face on national television!

This seems like a happy ending for all the women involved. They made new friends and avoided spending any more of their precious time on this dick bag. Everyone in this story that I don’t hate wins!

They could just shut him down.

I woke up to the AP alert about his “locked and loaded” comment and immediately wanted to crawl back into bed. Someone, anyone, for the love of God, TAKE HIS FUCKING PHONE AWAY!! I would really like to not be lead into a nuclear war because of fucking twitter. Jesus H Christ. These emotional and petulant man babies

These reprehensible pieces of garbage stand in front of American citizens and refuse to serve, or keep their oath of office... and the tragedy is that voters will STILL vote for them.

As a Californian I agree. Lets watch the red states howl in pain when they lose our money...

omg, you are not joking!

When used to create the illusion of a chin or jawline, it is commonly referred to as a “bloatee.”

“What we have to examine is how the language changes, and when you start to go away from ‘global warming’ to ‘climate change,’ this goes right into the heart of progressive thinking because what it says, or what the implication is, is that somehow the progressives are going to figure out a way to create the ideal

But you’re a team and there seems to be some mental stuff going on with the letter writer. A serious, compassionate talk is absolutely needed here, not glib writeoffs and blame.

I too would like to know. This is the 3rd time i’ve read this column and thought, “Who the f is this person, they write like an asshole.”

“Last off, his wife probably told him to stop hanging out with you, duh. Which means you are attractive”

I’m a gun owner too. I have 2 handguns and a shotgun. I’m all for guns.