Alien Astronauts Ate My Brain

Send them all to Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi, then let them secede. Then they can bring back slavery and plantations and live their stupid little 3rd world dreams.

Lol, and coups also don’t happen when the President’s own party is in charge of both halls of power.....

I don’t have children or nieces or nephews. But I’d still prefer not to live in a society where I have a comfortable life while watching kids go homeless or dying of preventable disease. Go figure.

Fox has been collaborating with the Trump administration for a while now, and is basically state propaganda at this point. This is them buttering up their viewership to prepare them for a Saturday Night Massacre.

Can we just say it now...Fox news is propaganda...

If 45 declares a fascist dictatorship, I will “told-you-so” the internet until they find and kill me.

Weekly Brag Thread!

So basically they are sending a message to scientists on the direction their research should take especially if they are ambitious. And also making it harder for the media and the public to understand the full import of these reports.

It’s because the only medical science Trump is interested in is : STD.

Mr. Smuttins and I will come out ahead in purely immediate financial terms as well, but I would much rather pay more taxes to have Canadian-style socialized medicine, college and funded retirement plans. The few thousand bucks that the 1% are throwing our way will not be enough to weather any kind of real crisis.

Jesus, this should be so fucking embarrassing for them!

Ah yes, the clearly partisan phrases “evidence-based” and “science-based”. Don’t want any of that shit in my policy, nosiree.

Rubio is a spineless, amoral coward and his opposition was only token. His aspirations mean that he can’t afford to antagonize his donors who this bill rewards.

After Republicans made a modest increase to the child tax credit, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is now on board with the (still) very scary Republican tax plan, as is Sen. Bob Corker. Three Republicans senators, Susan Collins, Jeff Flake and Mike Lee, remain undecided. Republicans plan to unveil a final draft of the bill

You know, reading stories and comments on here about Murica (ugh), I keep having to remind myself that I’m definitely still reading it from 2017 and not 1617.

It’s mostly this. Down the page, someone posted a stat that showed that non-evangelical white women voted overwhelmingly for Jones. It’s so stupid, but that said, the Jezebel article makes it seem like its about a whole lot of things that it may not be about.

That said, I’m never surprised when people vote their

OK, but in many countries, support for abortion has risen over the past half-century, from both left-wing and right-wing people. I’d bet there’s a strong correlation between that and the decline of religion as a driving force in people’s lives. one thing that can be changed is the influence religious groups are

If Moore is guilty of what he’s accused of, I still would have voted for him.

The unerring three C’s of Moore voters” Christian - Conservative - Commandments. Even in the face of blatant depravity and racism, vote for the twisted caricature of a fundamentalist with an (R) by his name no matter what.