I’ve got a bottle of Apothic Crush tonight, and couldn’t be happier. Good luck on the GRE, and take care of yourself—- whether it means you contact him or not; you know how to best take care of you.
I’ve got a bottle of Apothic Crush tonight, and couldn’t be happier. Good luck on the GRE, and take care of yourself—- whether it means you contact him or not; you know how to best take care of you.
I’ve been using maracuja oil on my crows feet; they’ve started to look better. I was initially introduced to it by Tarte, but found a cold pressed, organic version for like a 1/4 of the price on amazon. :) I’ll chalk that up in the Win column.
I got a 96.3% on my HESI and the dean extended me an offer to nursing school while I dropped off my scores. :) I AM SO EXCITED AND TERRIFIED
Let’s hope that isn’t the case and it goes on indefinitely, because its one of the best shows I have ever seen. Just holds me rapt every time I sit down to watch and re-watch.
Happy Valley is SO well done! Everything about it is fantastic (and unbelievably sad). It took me a while to figure out her sister is Siobhan Finneran, or Ms. O’Brien from Downton Abbey.
Thank you. I got slapped down by a relative today when I said people need to stop putting their hands together and instead start putting them to work, because prayer isn’t going to solve the problems here.
Super cute little face! He looks like an Einstein or a Boyle (especially if he’s farty).
Your black-and-tan lays down like my rottenweiler! He’s 5 now and I thought he’d outgrow it, but, nope.
My brag that I am almost done with the application process into nursing school, after being in and then leaving and then life in the Keys. I am afraid and excited and looking forward to the possibility of readmission to school.
I’m taking the HESI-A2 test next week and, in spite of having a BS, I am terrified. It’s been more than 10 years since college, and I am so nervous.
...i may be misunderstanding, but: that video is one that came from where you live?! :0
Why did I keep reading this?! My skin is postively CRAWLING
why doesnt this show up in ALL threads?! thank you, eye-rolly-Rock.
They can be. They can also be giant hairy jerks.
Its accurate. because they all are rotten in the best ways.
My girl is definitely the boss of the two of them, in spite of being 30% his size and ten years older. She is a BAMF in a way only shepherds can be.
He can’t get them where he lives either, but he LOVES them, so whenever he visits he buys a ton of them—-like they’re going out of style—-and then leaves them in my fridge where they languish ‘til I run out of tequila.
Yuenglings, left from my Dad’s visit last week. Not my particular taste, but theyre in the fridge and they’re cold.
That’s the worst. Sorry about your bad weather luck.