Alien Astronauts Ate My Brain

Yup. I deal with this commonly at the bar where I work, and I have experienced the same phenomenon. My personal opinion is that men are expected to pay for services regardless of the occasion, whereas a lot of women are commonly treated to things when they go out, so they underestimate the cost of actually paying for

Uh, so I'm really late to this, but... I just watched six hours of Game of Thrones.

Yeah, I cried a lot the first couple months. My beastie was sick (SIIIICK with parasites) for a long while. It was frustrating to be so sleep-deprived for an extended period of time. On top of the sleep deprivation, cleaning the crate due to repeat diarrhea episodes was a little much. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my

Establish a schedule for going out. Every time he does his business outside, give him lots of praise and a cookie. Don't spank him if he has accidents in the house— its ineffective and will make him fear your hand.

Being a responsible adult means being informed the reasons behind why you make the decisions you do. If its something you feel would make you more confident, then that's your choice. Being an adult woman doesn't mean eschewing vanity for the sake of saying you've done so. You choose your choice for whatever reason,

Argh, I'm computer deficient, so I can't post a photo. BUT! I'm 28, from Boston MA. I live in Key West, and I frequently complain about my work situation. I WAS a chemist, and am now underemployed as a bartender/personal trainer. I have two dogs, one of whom is soon to outweigh me, and he is my most common topic of

Your comment makes me think of Denis Leary's "Coffee-flavored coffee!" sketch. It made me laugh. A lot.

In the many trips I've made up and down I-95, without a doubt, the worst drivers were in cars with Delaware plates. Aggressive tailgating, reckless speeding, no signals, on the phone, etc. I'd rather drive in Boston wearing a blindfold than through the Delaware through Virginia corridor of 95.

Those are awesome!

You bet. The trip used to take me about 28 hours. Now it'll probably take me 30-32 hours. No big deal in the grand scheme of things, because it means my furry companions are comfortable.

You know, in approximately 5 days I'll be driving from the Keys to New England with a 10 year old Shepherd mix and a 7 month old Rottie. In a VW Jetta.

I'm down in Key West. I haven't been off the island in almost three months, when I last went to Bahia Honda.

That would be stellar! And if you come during the June-September months, pretty much everything is cheaper because there are fewer tourists to drive up demand. Air fare, hotel rooms, etc.

I've been wishing for a job like this since I came down here six months ago. I am so pleased.

If you do end up in Key West, look me up. I'll definitely be happy to take you on a tour. Louisiana is A TON of fun. Great food, too.

I'm more worried about lemon sharks, to be honest. :)

It's going to be so much fun. A lot of sunburns are in my future, but that's nothing new—I was a beach lifeguard in MA. I just am happy that this job will make it more likely for me to be able to pay my bills and afford food for both dogs AND myself.

Today I got a job working on a major tour boat. This is such a great day.

DC should work on that, and KW should work on people actually wearing, you know, clothes.

They are also trying to come to Key West.