Feeling super grateful to be home from work early and spending some time with my awesome roommate (the other one is an assbag) and his awesome family. Makes spending this Christmas away from my own family less wistful.
Feeling super grateful to be home from work early and spending some time with my awesome roommate (the other one is an assbag) and his awesome family. Makes spending this Christmas away from my own family less wistful.
Feeling super grateful to be home from work early and spending some time with my awesome roommate (the other one is an assbag) and his awesome family. Makes spending this Christmas away from my own family less wistful.
"There is no more suffering of the elephants..."
I'm sad it wasn't Brett or Gemaine from Flight of the Conchords... I was looking forward to this being some sort of "Humans Are Dead" reboot...coming May 2012.
Just in from a 4.5 hour-long staff meeting at the bar I'm helping open. Holy hell, we're not ready and there are still lots of kinks to work out, but we're opening on Wednesday come hell or high water. I'm excited and nervous and scared— I'm working the LAAAATE cocktailing shift and I'm scared I won't be able to stay…
It'll all work out. It might take some time, but you'll manage. Don't get discouraged. Don't let the little voice in the back of your head talk you out of anything. You'll manage. You'll make friends. You'll find work. You'll have fun, too.
Its about time! Been here since September, and it was gettin' a little hairy there for a while.
I loathe it. It's like the world's most public and embarassing year book. I had a bad hair cut, a douchey ex, and said a lot of dumb stuff in the early 2000s that I liked having in the past. Now it's available for all. That's not a smart move, facebook. Some things should just stay hidden.
I feel that way every time MAC sends me an email.
I know I'm late to this party, but I wanted to share some good news!! I got hired to work as the on-staff personal trainer at a local gym, AND open a new bar here. On the SAME day.
Forgive me, but can someone explain why this law is a human rights violation? Nothing I'm finding makes much sense. I'm not being sarcastic, I'm legitimately unable to make sense of this.
Seriously?! I'm both extremely jealous of that fact because who WOULDN'T want Simon Pegg as their godfather?!, and kinda sad that he has ties to Lady Goop and Lord Snottypants.
Minus the screaming, yes.
Mine did the same thing! We keep joking about it, and it gets so silly that it devolves into a zombie-style face-mash.
That would be so awesome if we had a chupacabra! I'm now wondering how we could dress up the chihuahua to look like a chupacabra...
My roommate's chihuahua is enamored with my lab/shepherd. He follows her around, all sad-puppy... it's cute. Thank goodness she's fixed, or we'd have some awkward puppies.
Manfriend has been home a week. Had so much fun with him, neither of us realized it was Saturday.
I mean, there's video. WHY is there video?! Because I CANNOT stop laughing at it when I watch!
I read the exact same thing, and I laughed really loudly in the McDonald's I'm in, stealing wifi.
Manfriend is coming home on Sunday from his mission; been gone for a month. Stoked to see him.