Is there any connection between more oral sex and less P in V sex? When I was coming of age (late 80s) teens usually had intercourse well before experimenting with oral. Now that seems completely reversed.
Is there any connection between more oral sex and less P in V sex? When I was coming of age (late 80s) teens usually had intercourse well before experimenting with oral. Now that seems completely reversed.
Jamie King is FLAWLESS. For shame.
Yeah, the only time I'll let him drive is if I plan on drinking.
My cats are rescues and they aren't beautiful. In fact, Chowder is so strange looking that she's actually very cute. She has a perma-goofy look on her face and it's hilarious. Schnitzel is better looking, but she has perma bitch-face. Chowder does have a fantastic personality which makes up for her looking goofy.
My cats are not that cute. Then again, my cats are all adopted and not incredibly overbred, so I'll take it.
You usually need both an abnormal pap AND test positive for HPV for them to move on to a colposcopy/biopsy. Your doctor is right in that your body might "clear" the virus, but they'll probably want you to get a pap every 6 months to be safe. I know from experience! I've had two abnormal paps along with high-risk…
The amount of shithead comments in the grays is making me very happy. Just sitting there by themselves, few recommendations and replies between the lot of them.
Hey, there's no need to be so fucking classist. These aren't "tuxedo cats"; they're just dressed reasonably: it's after five, and they're not farmers.
"So we figured, hey, let's draw attention to racial inequalities in America by walking hand-in-hand out from this inflatable thing with a purple injun on it."
You're not missing anything. Most of the time, our bodies will clear high-risk HPV. Get a pap in a year - you will most likely test negative. A small percentage of people who test positive will continue to test positive for high-risk HPV. After a few years, you are considered to have "persistent" HPV. A small…
This is an appropriate time for me to say that yesterday I realized the principals name is "Mr Bell-Ding" that cannot be an accident, right? I actually called my sister with that earth shattering revelation.
Yeah, yeah, there's a double standard. When it swings our way, we get more power, more freedom, and entirely better lives than women do. When it swings their way, they get to make 'sexist' jokes and draw cartoon dicks. I'm crying into my neckbeard about how unfair life is to me as a man.
Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.
And he's quite premature at e-jac-u-la-ting....
Well, Atlanta has been missing a prick on the field since McCann left.
Kinja engineers are working on a solution to prevent this happening again.
Thank god for digital clocks.
O U MAD, BRO?!?!?
Wearing sweatbands, Affliction shirts, and sending dick-pics to girls on Tinder dont count as "athletic, confident, and good with women"
San Diego is a trashier, bro-ier version of Orange County, which is already pretty fucking trashy and brotastic.