Jigger Johnson's Jubilant Janitor

Wow. Don’t know about you guys but just watching this makes me feel a little uncomfortable. I mean, how can you laugh and go “whooaaa” while people dressed in rags are not fucking around and literally just picking up coins you’re tossing without even their dignity. Hardy har har! Laugh it up!

Yup. Multiple teams for Florida, and only one single team for all of southern Ontario. A single team owned by competing cell phone companies that never is ever going to the Stanley Cup ever again.

well written. +1

It’s usually the alcoholic that gets concerned when someone isn’t drinking. Normal people don’t give a crap if you’re not drinking.

Hearing about a man earning $8,000,000.00 in just one single year by running around in the sun playing a game with a stick and a ball, and being on TV, is kinda depressing.

Wow. That is really strange....didn’t know that. Hm....um....wow.

Been waiting to plant this article for years....also about Yankees ticket pricing!! 9 out of 10 dentists agree this is a valuable compliment to this article. http://www.theonion.com/article/slashe…


SEC coaches are just pissy and butthurt that they didn’t think of this first. Brilliant move bringing practice to the South.

I think he did attempt to injure. He admitted that he grabbed the player’s mask and flung him out of bounds with it. This is inherently dangerous, and Talib knows this. But he did it anyway, with gusto. This will be a large fine, hopefully.

Yup. Hockey player here; played D1 college. He did not appear surprised at all. And he did not have to clock the ref with 2 hands that hard. You *know* the sight of the ref, even if peripheral. Plus, they are skating in typical locations. The ref was supposed to be there; hockey players know that.

I bet it’s the same way they track dunks and strange soccer goals: watching games. Hockey may be more popular than you think.

+1 HAHA!!! Thank you. Great laugh for the morning.

The old guy just has hearing loss. That’s it. The rider kept his helmet on so the ol fella could not see his lips, a very common way for people with hearing loss to improve comprehension. So, he could not hear the large man in black on the motorcycle. And he left.

Now playing

ENT doc here. Throat, or laryngeal cancer, has a TNM staging system. Stage 4 does not mean a death sentence. It has a much higher survival rate than, say, lung cancer or melanoma. But he won’t have a voicebox, and thus a job at ESPN doing anything with a voice, much longer. His voicebox will be removed likely within

I lived in LA for about 10 years, moved away recently. I don’t know what the hell they are thinking moving not one, but TWO teams there. Nobody gives much of a crap about TV sports in LA because it’s always sunny and there are beaches and it never rains. And the traffic! Inglewood is down by the LAX. I think both

THANK YOU. I was thinking this exact thing at the end of the game...only player to score a point. Maybe ‘ol AP coulda helped out a bit. Maybe even somebody could have caught a pass and run for a touchdown.

Breaking out into a cold swear is the worst!!

Samer, thank you for posting this....DS needs more hockey. This is a sick goal....nearly as good as Pavel.