Jigger Johnson's Jubilant Janitor

This one’s going into a nice part of town, friend. Sad but true.

The stadium is being build in an already nice area; it’s going to get a lot nicer with all the fancy-pants improvements they’ve been talking about.

That’s what I was thinking; delete it all. Your idea of alluding to a federal investigation wins, however. +1

HAHAH!!! nice buddy...nice.

Samer, this is like the 500 days of whatshername, except in reverse order. Nobody cares enough about this baseball team. Please do not carry this on all season. C’mon man.

That’s what stood out most to me too....a zip drive. Holy wow

If I was with a friend, and we found a 15 foot long dinosaur with a brain the size of a plum pit, I would be the very last thing out of my mouth would be for me to say to my friend, “hey, get close to it! For perspective!” I mean, what the fake??

Glad you have seen the light, my friend. Your kids would LOVE to play hockey; it’s a lot more fun to actually play than baseball, football, soccer, tennis, golf, snowboarding and track & field combined.

I came here to leave this exact comment. Kudos. Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Baseball = BORING. Throw that bat! Celebrate your accomplishments! Shit, throw ya hands in the air!!

The Atlanta Braves don’t just “want to.” They are. The stadium is currently under construction. It’s going to wreck traffic so badly; it’s already worse than LA (I have homes in each city). Absolute BS.

Well, I have to respect your opinion. I grew up in Toronto with a backyard rink and played D1 college, and still play. I play D and for years and years I tried to get the puck to curve. Probably tried over 1,000,000 times. But it’s just too heavy, and doesn’t have the rotation that say a baseball has, where the laces

It just appears to curve. It curves exactly when the camera moves. You cannot curve a shot with a hockey puck. Doesn’t happen.

And didn’t he just SLIDE WAY PAST 2ND BASE??? Huh. And didn’t get get all upset about that exact thing?? Yup.

100% correct. Lewis wasn’t “forced” onto the grass any more than his foot was forced on to the gas and he was “forced” to rush to a disappearing gap that was never his to begin with.

Now playing

Blue Jay was lookin right at Odor. That isn’t a sucker punch. THIS is a sucker punch:

HAHAH!!! Nice. Gonna use that one someday.

But you’re assuming he’s a punk and didn’t have her sign a pre-nup. She’d therefore get whatever it was she brought into the marriage, or whatever he was smart enough to negotiate prior to their marriage.


Rich Peverly died playing hockey on the ice in 2014. Was revived from his cardiac event and asked his coaches when he could get back in the game.