
Thanks for directing this toward something that has nothing to do with a video game but your exact wording that seems to suggest you have killed someone and it was more enjoyable to do it in a game than the possible consequences of dealing with killing someone. But in all reality no one ever actually calls it murder

Am I the only person slightly concerned about this persons mental health by this comment? If we were friends IRL and you made this statement to me I would seriously reconsider ever seeing you again. It sent shivers down my spine and I would start searching your yard and house for missing people.

Younger generation is far more open to gays than the older generation so I feel you have this backwards. My father will change the channel if gay men are even presented on a tv show while only one female of the group of friends I am around will openly shit all over gays. She goes as far to avoid watching the Big Bang

Who gives a shit? Honestly. You only poke the bear in order to produce a flame war in comments to make the story seem like it generates lots of interest when in reality it's idiots bickering about things no one in the real world cares about.

Do you honestly see this as an accomplishment? I have a 6 y/o who can beat the game. One would assume hundreds of thousands minds could easily beat a game almost 2 decades old who are much older than a 6 y/o. As I have said before, until these people can play in unison to defeat real opponents, real time, this is no

Anyone "moved" by this drawing honestly needs take a look at their life and make some serious assessments about where it is going and how poor your past decisions may of been.

Are you kidding me? Let's see these same people do this in a round of street fighter or cod and see how well they work together and can accomplish things. Beating a basically linear game that probably 10's of thousands had already played is by no means impressive. How is this different than having a class of 5th

After one conversation with a lot of girls they will often say something along the lines of "he's got a beard though" or "look at all those tattoos" as they are bad things. I can shave and wear clothes to cover them and the same girls will be dropping their panties. But I like having a beard, it makes me feel

Dark Phoenix Saga called and said your title is wrong. Christ, even AoA and XA were better story lines and more than just 2 issues.

I accidently reccomended this story because your page loads so awesome on my iphone. Anyhow...

I'm amazed people still play this game or find it appealing anymore.

I'm too old to waste my remaining precious moments reading all that. Nothing personal.

You mean like including a kinect even though no one is making games for it? That's why it was included. Because like last generation, it's sales would be a blip and that goes against their final plans for the console. So on top of that we now pay more for a feature no one really wanted besides minority report

It was only a matter of time honestly.

That should of been 170. My apologies for the typo.

Not really because there are millions more who we don't support and do this regularly as their diet. He is simply being used as a poster child of go ahead and eat like this because this guy can. Any doctor will tell you even with proper diet and exercise, binge eating is bad for you on many levels.

Me and friends used to do this when we were in second grade like 30 years ago.

I love how we support some idiot borderline killing himself slowly by eating horrible food as a job as this dumb fuck is raising the cost of health insurance as he develops diabetes, a cholesterol problem, and pushes himself one step closer to a heart attack. Natural selection takes too long.

You do understand that this is how business works? If something is free that we can sell, then that source must be eliminated. I understand how it shoots them in the foot, but what haven't they done this round that isn't doing just that.