
Is it done? Is it finally over? Can people finally shut up about this thing and reduce the unfunny forced memes coming out of this? Can this rest in peace? No, probably not, they'll probably start more of this until gaming sites stop posting every little accomplishment they do that most of us don't really care. Hell,

Yeah, I use smartglass for everything I don't want to use my voice for. I only use my controller for playing games themselves, but I use voice or smartglass when I'm watching netflix etc.

I'm rather confused about this myself. It's certainly pretty looking, but the hell is this about?

This was not an accident. Her gun did not go off unexpectedly. Her finger did not slip on the trigger. She meant to fire, and she did. She murdered an unarmed kid. These are the objective facts.

After reading some comments I see that I'm in the unpopular opinion camp, but I also feel that this runs the risk of further segmenting the lgbtq community from everyone else which seems counter productive to the goal making ignorant people understand that lgbtq community really isn't a separate community at all, but

3x3 Eyes did the same thing back in the day. I'm not saying it was exactly the same.


I remember building forts out of blankets and pillows. I would have my army men face off against my action figures and so forth lol

You should read xhrit's earlier posts. He continuously acts superior and even boasts about the attention he's lavished with. He insults toys and, in some way, also takes jabs at Burt, for no reason at all. I don't blame Burt for his reaction, I'm in no way invested in this argument and I was mad at xhrit's attitude.

Toy are in trouble because the companies are making shittier and shittier products. i went into Toys R Us recently and checked out the new Captain America Deluxe figures... (6.5" "High Quality") and they are GARBAGE... the paint jobs are shit (cross eyed cap) and shitty sculpts.... hasbro and mattel thought that 3.5"

It snowed a good 8 inches a couple weeks ago. There wasn't a single snowfort or snowman on my street. There are a lot of families in my neighborhood too, so it's not like it's full of old people.

I'm really glad we live in the time we do where we have passionate skilled people who do this kind of thing for fun. I'm not super into sports games but I can understand how big companies can screw over a niche demographic because it's unprofitable for them to give a shit (hey, I own a Wii U!).

They finally drop all pretense and it turns into a Homoerotic dating sim?

I'm not talented enough to do it, but someone should make one where Keanu is sad about Crecente leaving Kotaku. It would amuse me.

Best Birthday Ever.

WOW much to my surprise KINJA changes prevent me from reading comments now. i can preview the new layout or some such, but i still cant see the comments. i wonder if this messege will even get posted. i must ask, why fix something that isnt broken? damnit

The netflix experience sucks on the XB1.


Let websites without typos be the first to cast a stone!