
Anyone who owns a smartphone or tablet owns a smartglass device so basically anyone over the age of 12. Maybe you should try harder to discredit something when you don't seem to be even aware it works on any phone platform. Not a single person I know doesn't have it. I don't even own my one anymore and I still have

The money pit this game will be is phenominal. You will end up buying everything outside the game to play in the game. Enjoy that.

Smartglass. But whatever.

So does this mean they will remove the ability to use smartglass as a remote to force you to buy a controller?

My problem with what you are saying is you don't seem to realize that is exactly why it doesn't work. They want you to buy more shit for your shiny new overpriced console. This is Microsoft and every single thing is done for profit to the max.

Good thing were porting handheld games to pc and console. I was just thinking all about how I was hoping to play subpar games with pixelated graphics on my 4k tv while my consoles are still selling me 480i games.

Yes, and that wasn't enjoyable to me at all.

Am I the only person who thought this involved one of the guys who did castle crashers?

Agreed. I'm all for exploration but how fun can something be without an antagonist of some kind? This would have to be one hell of a mystery of some sort to really pull us in.

If I had a picture of drunk Lois saying "what?" This is where it would go.

Who talks like that besides gay men and mothers? I honestly have never heard someone say the word "tween" in my life and I have been on this planet close to half a century. I consider most people under 30 kids as most I meet still live with their parents, are unmarried, and haven't done anything with their life. But

Nevermind. Let's change this to dear gawker,

Dear marvel,

Online console fps games were around long before return to wolfenstein was ever made. Ps2 and dreamcast both had multiple online fps games, one being quake 3.

One week later you get into the doom beta free!!

I swear to god I thought this was justin bieber

Someone force her to gain some weight and develop an ass so this is at least tolerable to watch.

Give me a mode where it's Titan free and at least 12vs12 and I'm in.

Battlefield 2142 is capture the flag mode without planes and tanks.

Still reminds me of tribes with updated graphics and a more cod pace.