
Still being in my 30's, I use this one simple rule for planning my future social security benefits: Don’t count on social security benefits. I have no faith that it can survive the baby boomers, so I’m just assuming all the money I’m throwing into the system will either see a negative return or just be gone completely

Those people haven’t played Grim Fandango since the 1990s.

In the Microwave, or is there a group called “The Microwave”?

Same! I have a huge fondness for the canned stuff, and love it as-is, can lines and all. Haha.

I have to have the canned version. Something about those ring shapes brings back the best memories of Thanksgivings past.

Social Security is not good in theory for many reasons.

Watch IV and V, and then don’t watch 10 hours of bad Star Wars movies after that.

“...we aspired to intelligence, we didn’t belittle it, it didn’t make us feel inferior.” - The Newsroom

Someone else said this in your beta post yesterday, and it struck me as all too true. Because of the 3 year dev cycle, a lot of new features that really improve the franchise don’t make it into the next 1 or 2 installments. It’s like they are in a perpetual state of trial and error, without the ability to evaluate

yet the nsa is still the only agency that listens to what you have to say.

Ok, but how about it not be messy? Think of aesthetics, man! I know, I know, I sound like a console guy who favors streamlining at the possible expense of the ability to endlessly tinker. Guilty!

It’s a shame. Cumbersome UI was one of the main things that killed my enthusiasm for Dragon Age Inquisition. There are very few games that have good, intuitive, clear menu design. Nintendo games usually do well in this regard, though their overall game designs are often simpler to start with.

UI seems to be permanently understaffed in every studio I’ve seen. Furthermore, UI is probably the most sensitive area when it comes to the work of other departments - I’m pretty sure more UI work gets thrown out during development than anyone else’s, just because almost every change to the game requires a

Wow, so if you push yourself and continually try to improve, your body will adapt and grow stronger? HOLY CRAP THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!

I’m....honestly not impressed with either of them. They’re both complete crap in their own ways.

Shame he didn’t live in America then.Only place for fuckwits like these.

It is a bit bull shit. Honestly they should lock him in a penitentiary and force him to do the fight against cyber crime from behind bars.

I smiled at first but then : And yet he won’t be going to prison.