
Social security is unconstitutional, borderline immoral, and just defies common sense. FDR was an idiot (one of the worst POTUSs in history), and even should have known better. I really love that I am forced to pay into SS and will likely never get it back. Rather than creating dependence, the gov should just let us

This is incredibly asinine. Private businesses have every right to offer horrible services, and customers have every right to abstain. If you are stupid enough to fall for these things then they clearly deserve the money more than you do

I would always try to get three minutes of rest for any one muscle. If you tri-set three exercises working different muscles you don’t have to rest long at all. Basically three minutes of rest for a muscle allows it to build up ATP for you to tackle your next set.

My chocolate chips burn before the cookie is remotely done

One thing Far Cry 4 had last year that I loved was the ability to turn on and off any map icon from a checklist. This allowed me to declutter everything on the map, only leaving the collectible I was hunting.

I have had many different homemade cranberry sauces in my day- some very good, but I've always liked the canned stuff better. I love the texture, the taste, and I fricken love it when it comes out perfectly cylindrical!

PC master race! Except if you happen to buy any triple A games since they always seem to work on every platform but PC

I prefer Jacob, because I’m a misogynist pig!

Social security is a shitty idea no matter how well implemented! How can anyone think it’s a good idea to hand over money to a government that can’t handle a simple budget and simply raises the debt limit every year? I’m not some anti-government nutcase, but I don’t trust them with my money. I would much rather just

I love the idea of the tragedy of Darth Vader. Seeing him fall from good to evil and pitying how he let power corrupt him. I'm not a huge fan of him magically redeeming himself. Maybe at the end he realizes the error of his ways, but just in time to know his errors will be his inescapable downfall. That always sounded

I'm a huge Star Wars fan, but I've always hated 99% of the expanded universe crap

If you don't think the compensation is fair don't take the job in the first place. Getting unions involved doesn't fix the root of the problem

Steam is like iTunes not in the sense that they both sell and organize, not in their roles, but in how they dominate. Music is bought through iTunes, that's just how it is. And games are bought through Steam, that's just how it is. Pretty much every person with a digital music collection has iTunes, and pretty much

One of the big things I’ve noticed in the last three years or so is how division has shifted. Five years ago 360 and PS3 gamers hated each other and PC was just the other option. Now PC gamers hate console gamers for daring to experience games differently and console gamers have united from Sony’s and MS’s camps to

But I'm sure you've bought a game you didn't like and didn't return it. That would count as a vote when you didn't like the product. What if the game is unknown and everyone that plays it loves it, but very few people have ever bought it? Is this game beneath a game like AC Unity that sold well but people didn't

I'm curious, how does it make sense? I don't understand why Hayden would be there yet Guiness isn't McGregor

Absolutely! I loved the take on the Joker in The Dark Knight, but I think it's time to see something new

Agreed. I loved Nolan and Ledger’s take on the character because it was unique and original. Now it's being overdone. I would like to see a new interpretation

Why don't they just let you play as any character in free roam?

Which I would say excuses the glitches, not the crappy UI