Damn, a vertical phone video. JUST SAY NO to vertical phone videos! Vertical phone video people are the new “thumb over the lens in every shot” people.
Damn, a vertical phone video. JUST SAY NO to vertical phone videos! Vertical phone video people are the new “thumb over the lens in every shot” people.
You can't beat the simplicity of just putting a game in a console and playing. Obviously there's still updates and sign-ins and other BS, but at least you know it works.
This story is hilarious. Someone so desperate for attention they fake admittance to 2 prestigious schools, basically killing any chance for actual attendance there, while going public with it in a major media story? I really hope it’s somehow proven that they weren’t aware all this was fraudulent otherwise they…
It’s funny, I’ve heard the same thing from other people, but then there are others who say it’s baloney, since at distance and over the sound of combat the enemy wouldn’t have been able to hear it.
Those look horrible. Are these uniforms for casual Fridays?
And by “bunch of video game characters” you mean Nathan Drake.
Will these include the original, pre-lucas meddling versions? That’s pretty much the only version of the original trilogy I’m interested in at this point.
Funerals already cost a ton of money. With social media and the web, you can probably skip paying the newspaper to…
Let me guess: Frame rates when these games are in action is 1FPS.
Stop using caps-lock?
Former HS teacher here - as long as you make up the work and pass the exams, feel free. But don't ask for extensions or other considerations - you made the choice, you take responsibility and accept any consequences.
It does. No, not the individuals whose house was raided, but the taxpayers who had to pay for the response and likely property damage that was caused in the breaking down of their doors/windows.
I'm sure it goes straight to the police departments to cover the cost of the police raids.
CBSDFW reports that Neff - suspected of having been an online troublemaker since the 1990s - will also have to pay $79,440 in restitution.
Im guessing because they need to address lots of ram and nobody runs 32bit OS anymore? And this way it's guarenteed running on a 64bit cpu..
Remember kids: It's a laptop. Not a notebook. Moleskine makes notebooks. Dell makes laptops.
I've had everything from Toshiba Laptops to Alienware, to a couple of Sony VAIOs, to an Acer netbook and now my new Macbook pro. Overall I'd say the macbook wins hands down, and this is coming from someone who's never used mac before. I think it has the best of everything, and usually people who get laptops tend to…
Don't discount the following facts:
*rolls eyes*
Nah Apple laptops are pretty damn reliable in my experience, (4 years so far with one (mine), 6 with another (future father in law's), 2 so far with a third (brother's)).