Joaquin Quinoa

He couldn’t unseat the nation’s least popular Senator, but he was going to be president? He’s little light in the ass for that run.

Remember the time Houston flooded, but Joel Osteen’s church wasn’t, but he didn’t offer that megaspace of a church help anyone? Or when Or Oral Roberts claimed he needed 8 million dollars, or he would die? Fuck all of it. Live your life, try not to hurt people, and find something that makes you happy. Find  somebody

It took me a long time to be able to read this—lots of bad medical shit in my family, I just couldn’t do it. I spend way too much time in hospitals. But I’m so glad I finally did. Your writing hasn’t diminished at all, and realize I think you’re an amazing writer, and I’m glad you continue to be so. Really glad you

Looks like Ming the Merciless to me. I’ll be listening to Queen all day now.

I have a sick dream for lottery winnings: I’d buy a house inside one of the fanciest neighborhoods of stupid McMansions in my area, get a team of lawyers, and subvert the HOA at every day of my life. Maybe put Kremlin-like onion domes at every corner. How about a go-cart track in the front yard? A statue of Ronnie

No, you were tight the first time. Stand by it. This guy is not fit to steal oxygen from the rest of us.

A week ago, I had the over/under on this scumbag’s life at six months. Now, I’m thinking days. Honestly, I hope for under a week. He’s just a vile bag of shit, and I’m glad our tax money won’t go to help save his life. It’s the first decent thing he’s done in his short, miserable life. I hope he gets stabbed 69 times,

When I get a minute, I’m going to check out the Vegas line on this shitstain. The over/under is obviously six weeks, but I’ll be looking to play exotics beyond circumstance of death (probably stabbing--but number of wounds is up for play) like what is found in his rectum/who takes credit for it/who makes the first hit

Yup. Watched a guy at a stop light in front of me pour a fuckton of coffee brandy into d Dunkin’ cup, and then proceed to use the dotted white line to navigate down the center of the road. Called 911 (and I read ahead to other comments, so it’s worth mentioning that I was crossing through a couple towns while on the

About 20 years ago, the bank accidentally deposited about $8500 in my account. When I went to the bank to point this out to them, they charged me five bucks for the hassle of having to sort that shit out. I noticed this on my next statement. Can you imagine the righteous indignation I charged into that bank with? It

That pain in my side that I’ve had five of the last seven days might be colon cancer—I’m so excited that I might die the way my mom’s dad died!” or “I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to afford health insurance/mortgage/new car—what an exciting adventure!” This advice doesn’t really cover most anxiety. And then

I never got that at all, but I respect your position.

I’m an NRA member. Don’t freak out—I hate the NRA, even as a gun owner, but I got a free membership, and thought I’d enjoy seeing what it was like on the inside, even at the lowest level. Let me tell you, it is fascinating. Every month I get a call asking for money, and the pitch is always the same; “Liberals are

I used to love a good IPA, until every microbrew in the country decided they had to have the hoppiest version. I swear tons of beers are crafted without any real vision for what the flavor is supposed to be, just really hoppy. It drove me back to my first loves, stouts, porters, and brown ale. Of course, Lagunitas

I’ll bet the next outrage is white people freaking out he put his hand on that white lady’s nekkid knee.

Guess it depends on getting a favorable judge. After all, Fox News got away with “Fair and Balanced,” though neither is factually true.

This is Portland, Maine. Listen to some “Bert and I,” chill the fuck out, and laugh your ass off.

I’m a liberal, and a gun owner. I’m curious to learn from non-gun owning liberals—what do you think an assault rifle is? I’m not being a dick, I just often get the sense that a lot of folks hear and repeat the words “assault rifle.” I am not trying to start a fight, and I can give you reasons why the AR-15 isn’t a

So Misch shows up in court facing a gun charge, wearing a T-shirt that says, “Fuck gun control,” and the judge still lets him skate? That guy is really maximizing his whiteness. He’s getting the full experience.

Yeah, this is a guy who probably watches Ben Shapiro videos and thinks, “Wow, he really owned the libtards on that one!”