
It was passed down to me that my grandparents did this with my Dad & his siblings. A sip, but not unsupervised. A sip if you went and got them a new Beer.
My Dad talked about how he grew up feeling that alcohol was one of the things that defined adulthood & how much he looked forward to being able to drink with the

This is a real question. Do we 100% know that this key isn’t gathering data on all the machines it’s plugged in too? Or all the other sites that it is being associated with?
I know it’s a hardware key and none of that *should* be tracked, but if my wife searches for a winter coat online I start getting NorthFace adds

Wasn’t this the plot of Mr & Mrs Smith?

My wife used to pneumonia every year. It would lay her out for weeks. She used to say that her year was really only 46 weeks long compared to everyone elses 52. The other 6 she was laid up.  If I heard this story at a party I’d think they were making it up, but I’ve known her for 20 years and I saw it 18 times.  She

If you can navigate a commute without the break, you aren’t in traffic.  Traffic involves dropping below 5 MPH, Traffic involves sitting still on the Highway.  Many, many cities have Traffic.

10's regeneration episode declared that for 24 hours after a regeneration a Time Lord can regenerate from pretty much *anything* with no permanent harm. 10 used it to regrow a hand that was severed in a sword fight with an alien. Apparently he could always do that, it had just never come up before I guess?

Am I the only one that really hated “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship”?
Every previous appearance of the Silurians (both NuWho and Classic) had portrayed them as a very sympathetic race caught in bad circumstances. Dinosaurs then tries to have a wacky romp set on one of their ships with a backstory of the wacky comedy robots

Yeah. Your Doctor is the one that made you a fan. You may have watched the show before them, you may admit that other eras were empirically better, but your Doctor will never be equaled and in the best corners of the fandom whoever is *YOUR* doctor is pretty much above reproach.
I am fully aware of the weaknesses of

The Doom/Dr. Strange crossover story is kind of amazing. Dr. Doom weaponizes how much everyone hates him to save a soul, but only because he wills it’s salvation.

I’ve been doing that in outlook for years.  It does involve monkeying with mail delivery settings though, so it is indeed not there for most users.

I am not intending to be snarky, but “Unified Inbox” is one of those things that I’ve had branded at me alot in many different forms. What functionality does “Unified Inbox” mean for you in this case?

365 Started as just being “the latest version of office” but has sort of morphed away from that over time. With their ability to add features incrementally Microsoft started adding bibs & bobs to the 365 versions of Office a couple years ago.
As I read it, Office 2019 is more an example of taking whatever state 365 was

Unions exist in Hollywood. People will do almost anything to be a movie star yet the Screen Actors Guild exists and has power.
Organized labor works when it gets to be a big enough slice of the labor pie AND when people going into the field want what the union provides.
If non-union game shops start to be seen as people

This is the norm, not even an exception.

This is how most of Europe works. We are just brainwashed in the US into thinking that any intervention in the free market will bring about misery and ruin.
Sure, you *can* break capitalism by demanding insane things, but enough money to live on in exchange for a full time job is NOT an insane thing.  We have just

If everyone at those places was unionized, they would be able to pay the increased costs.  I work in a heavily unionized industry, and my life is better for it.  Why shouldn’t the fast food folks get the same?

Don’t put all your faith in healthcare employment. I was laid off from an IT position with a major regional healthcare provider at the beginning of the recession. They figured with all the automation we had done they could do with 75% of us.
It ended up being good for me in the long run, but it did underscore that

While you might get to the truth, you don’t make anyone feel any better.

So if “Toys” became real does that mean LL Cool J is in my house right now camouflaged as the end table?

Seems legit