Ding! Ding! Ding!
Its going to be what we have seen before but with less expensive actors. Except for Cumberbatch who still has several movies in his contract. But other than that it is all new and all different!
That is why I say it depends on your definition of a scam. If you think every time someone plays they should have a chance to win then yes these are 100% not that.
If you think of it as “Am I the 1000th customer that might have a chance” then you are really betting on your place in line rather than your skill with the…
The game pictured is apparently a BarBer Cut, which has prizes hung from strings and you move a little scissors around trying to cut the string and drop the prize into the chute.
Here is a link to the manual: https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/31128855/barber-cut-lite-operators-manual-bmi-gaming
Page 9 explains how…
I feel like the biggest problem with Korra was the episode count, so while I haven’t seen this one yet I’m inclined to believe the people that feel that there weren’t enough episodes.
It depends on your definition of “scam”.
These machines are designed to only pay out after x number of plays. Once enough money is taken in, the “win biggest prize” flag is set to “possible”. At that point it is a game of skill. If you time the button presses correctly you can get the key in the slot or whatever and…
I still put the 1st Rami Spider Man on top, over #2. My reasoning:
I totally understand how Schools are supposed to be providing a safe environment and that is why they are involved in sexual assault cases on campus. (because the assailant should face some discipline from the school if he is affiliated with it)
What I really don’t understand is why in so many cases school administered…
bcc: is for if you want to send your email back in time isn’t it?
I’m in a similar situation. I keep everything I really care about on one physical server, which I then backup to the cloud.
I think we should bring back the Eisenhower-era rules about wearing White Onions with tails while yellow onions are more summer wear. The kind you can wear with shorts.
I mean, I see boomers wearing White onions with their cargo shorts, but that never sat right with me. White Onions are too fancy for that everyday…
One of the moments I knew I was aging was when I noticed that “the hot new Hollywood stars” showing up on all the magazine covers with perfect abs were starting to have been born after I graduated High School.
It is a weird line that you cross emotionally. A number of years ago I was in my mid 30s and started working in an office that was about 3 blocks from a major college campus so the streets were filled with 18-22 year olds.
I’m happily committed and fully felt that these people were too young for me anyway. Thus I had…
I think that a lot of people have some kind of baked in assumption that a legal law and a moral law are the same thing. The old classic of “is it OK to steal bread to feed your starving children?” is meant to start a conversation about how the two are often not equivalent.
Even if we all agree a Law is appropriate, who…
My mother was an Orthopedic Nurse for 40 years. These are the people that take care of you when your body is spindled and mutilated. She saw a lot of stuff.
One of her biggest points of anger are people who say Marriage is “just a piece of paper”. Sure, but all your legal rights are written on pieces of paper. They…
The way the holes are bored affects how they leave your hand. Left handed balls are a thing and can really affect how spin is applied to the ball.
It isn’t so much that the stages of grief are a lie, it’s that pop-culture took them out of context. As you say, they were initially for the *dying*, not those who were left behind.
Those stages of Grief were initially proposed by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her book “On Death and Dying”. It was written at a time when…
it seems like a bad sign when someone in a long-term relationship is surprised by the breakup.
Something a coworker going through a divorce once said to me seems appropriate to #1's situation, and agrees with the Doc’s point.
My coworker basically said that she spent the last 5 years of her life working on herself. She started working out, she reconciled with her Mother (and was back in her life), and went back…
This is fair. You are entering a really intense stage of life *that has a finish line*. Eventually you will either graduate, quit, or be thrown out of university. If one of the people in the letter is in a similar situation (I’m in the Navy for 3 more years, I need to finish my degree, I have 18 months of Chemo left)…