
It depends on what kind of buying power you want. If you want a big house, then probably. If you want a really nice laptop or a good car they cost roughly the same everywhere.

They spend it on a new Air Conditioner, new Tires, or getting that leaky roof fixed. Things that cost a lot of money all at once instead of $40/payperiod.
If you are actually saving it long term, savings is better than the refund. If you are spending it to keep above water then there is value in a yearly “big payout”

A good buddy of mine works in a field where there are a lot of kickstarted projects. In theory this should allow small players to get products out without kissing up to the big boys, what it *has* turned into is big boys letting other people front the capital for their projects.
Also, don’t expect an amazing value if

McDonalds has an established menu and has done this before. The Car Painter has tools, skills, and the paint.
Kickstarted and other Crowdfunding ventures will be making something in the future and need money to get started. Sometimes they make what they said they would, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they change

You are correct that most people view non-super comics as dead, but while they aren’t huge they are still around.
I’d argue that one of the best comic runs of the 80s & 90s was Larry Hama on GI Joe, where you do have some amazing abilities but it is never a Superhero comic. It was a war comic (with Ninjas).
And Archie

How else was he going to pal around with Matter-Eater Lad if he can’t fly through time?

In fairness, there were a ton of old comic books where he could just fly through time but he only used it to hang out with the Legion of Superheroes in the 30th century.

Further up in the comments someone made the point that if you are serious enough about your tattoo you will travel to get it. In my mind, if a whole state has a bad regulation, that is reason to travel out of that state to avoid it.

true, but if you take out all the life support, guns, shields, etc it would probably be a lot cheaper. And as fast as they die in the movies if they could each take out a capital ship first it would probably be an improvement on their effectivenes.
It’s why we use cruize missiles in the real world. Each one costs

I disagree. Every X-Wing had one
An X-Wing hitting something at lightspeed isn’t as big a boom as a capital ship hitting at lightspeed, but it is still a pretty big boom.

I’m also a little bothered by the way Sam’s turn as CEO is being treated. Cat Grant and Lena Luthor are both portrayed as being really busy all the time with personal assistants and a *ton* of vision for what their companies are for and how they are going to be run.
Sam seems to be doing a ton of paperwork and going to

He didn’t in the early seasons, he changed his own history by helping her with some trust issues before she left him at the alter.
A later season episode has her and Al in the future discussing the romances he has to play out in the past and her forbidding Al to ever mention her. She knows Sam would be faithful if he

You are absolutely right re: The ending.
I’ve long had this argument with the internet. It feels really sad that Sam never goes home, but if you gave his character the choice: Home or one more person helped I think it’s the one more person helped every time, forever. Al and Sam actually argued about it quite a bit

Being the captain in a Star Trek series should have been a good payday, unfortunately it was Enterprise... which wasn’t bad because of him.

Even if they don’t sell replacements (which I’m sure they will) if this goes anywhere there will be tons of grey market 3rd party cardboard kits of varying quality. It’s a video game peripheral.

You know what Nestlé? No one is ever going to think of you as “the health food guys”. You are the chocolate people, be it chocolate milk, candy bars, or whatever. If you really want to be “the health food guys”and stop making candy you need to also sell the name to whoever is going to make the candy. As it is you sold

Password managers bring several key things to the table:

Ever play the Alien vs Predator arcade game from the 90's? It’s kinda like that.

Not the OP, but whenever I have dealt with Sleeper sofas they are heavier than all getout and are *always* incredibly uncomfortable to sleep in. They are a pain to move and fail at the thing they are supposed to do.
No one should own one.

This is pretty much why I quit going to mine. There is never anyone working the register, and if there is every transaction takes *forever*. You always ended up waiting 30 min to actually buy things once you picked them out. At that point even if Sears was cheaper (they never were) it was a better use of my time to $2