The Punisher lives in a world where everyone is a cardboard cutout, the average criminal’s morality is determined by the author, and do not exist outside their 1-5 panel long appearances.
Actual humanity is sadly much more complex.
The Punisher lives in a world where everyone is a cardboard cutout, the average criminal’s morality is determined by the author, and do not exist outside their 1-5 panel long appearances.
Actual humanity is sadly much more complex.
It isn’t about length, it’s about scope.
We got 8 movies out of 7 books that were from the very beginning plotted out to be about this one kid and his friends. When the original author decided to do some other stories in that world she made them about characters unrelated to the original cast.
If *every* book in that…
My football fan relatives go on about how great US Bank Stadium is from the inside, but from the outside it looks like a 10 story tomb.
I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on the sound though, U2 was their first crack at that sort of thing and the stadium was barely open
This guy sounds like he throws some Mary Richards level diner parties. I always felt so bad for her friends.....
Eh, the clones did most of the heavy lifting on that one.
Software defined basically means that the configuration you are doing doesn’t change based on the hardware it is going to run on.
After one side has already escalated from actually using planet killers to actually using star-system killers, mutually assured destruction is kinda moot.
Over in the hard science-fiction fandom (where FTL is treated as a necessary narrative compromise instead of just pure awesome) most military fiction actually spends a moderate amount of time explaining why this *isn’t* the first, second, and only thing everyone does in every fight.
The math of acceleration makes it…
This bit with Mr. Burns was a straight up homage to Howard Hughes. So we at least have him as one role model.
You are correct, but in this very partisan climate the fact that a person of the other party is sliding into the Lt. Governor seat is causing some consternation.
I think it’s overblown, but it is happening.
There is a moderate amount of consternation here in Minnesota about it. Our Governor just beat cancer while in office so the odds of something happening to him, while not high, are higher that many are comfortable with.
Not quite. As this one will take place next year and Franken’s term didn’t end until early 2021 we have to have a Special Election in Nov 2018 and a regular one in Nov 2020.
In any field that people imagine is pretty great to work in there will be people who put up with a lot of bad things to get in.
The fact that (an astonishingly small number of) successful actresses are rich and attractive and on the covers of magazines means that people will put up with *anything* to have that shot.
First off: I am on your side. I am Pro-Choice.
That said, I think the fact that so many cannot understand why people think and act the way they do may have a lot to do with why we keep failing to win these arguments.
We can’t win arguments when we are hitting all the wrong points.
I keep forgetting about this one. Probably because it is the last episode but isn’t really staged as a finale.
You are correct it is pretty cringe-worthy.
I was never really able to forgive what Cisco did in “By the Pale Moonlight”. It was good television, but he got away with it.
He did stuff that “for the good of the Federation” that was at least as bad as stuff Kirk and Picard had brought down captains and admirals for in earlier series. And he got away with it.
It was…
No, that would be Enterprise, where it was decided that the actual stars of the show should be supporting cast for a story about Riker. In *their* finale.
At least the DS9 characters were actually the main characters in the DS9 finale.
How about this:
The internet is made of multiple pieces: There are the actual websites, the big backbones that link all the parts of the world, and the local providers that link the big backbones to your house.
What Net Neutrality does is force the local guys and the backbone guys to work with all the sites. If a…
Today you have learned Poe’s Law.
Can we all just remind ourselves that the real failure is was on the part of the prop & scenery team?
The creative choice was to kill Jack. We can debate that, but as Cameron says the script said “he dies” so he dies. The problem is that whoever made the prop Kate Winslet is sitting on made it too big, so when the…