
The fact that they are all doing the same thing you have always done together and you are bored is a sign that you are moving on in your life and they aren’t. (Or are moving in a direction you don’t want).
Don’t ever feel bad about wanting more. Find people that want to do other things. I promise they are out there,

This is my dog Nimon, named by my wife and her love of very old school Doctor Who.
She is not the brightest dog in the world, but she is a very good girl.

The Mystery Science Theatre 3000 marathon didn’t make the list!
Even though AVClub were the ones to break the news?

That sounds good in theory, but in practice is just makes sure *everyones* feelings are hurt.
In the realm of family politics Gramma can deal with seeing you next year if you are visiting your wife’s gramma this year. If you are visiting no one’s gramma you are both just terrible people.
Only visit no one if you are

And 50 years ago it was perfectly fine to smoke at your desk regardless of how your coworkers felt about it. As a society we have decided these things are not OK anymore and you will lose your job for them in most companies.
At this point the “unfiltered” locker room talk in quickly tipping over into something that

While those things are in fact different, and do vary widely in heinousness in a work context *all* are inappropriate. The 2nds and 3rd ones are inappropriate and criminal, the 3rd one is a felony.
So from a criminal justice point of view, these distinctions matter. In a “which of these should my boss get in trouble

So all those 30 story downtownapartment towers with identical air conditioners in nice rows from the top to the bottom are unique how?

I’ve also noticed that how much money you have and if you own a car are big factors in this as well, at least in the Twin Cities. A friend of a friend lives in a cool, very walkable neighborhood, but also has noted that he can’t actually afford to eat in all those cool little bistros or shop in the local mom and pop

I think it’s a Coastal thing. I also live in the Minneapolis area and the suburb/city divide is pretty theoretical when you are talking about the 1st and (nowadays) even the 2nd ring suburbs.
That said, while North Minneapolis and Robbinsdale are effectively the same place, Arden Hills is pretty hard to mistake for

I kind of like the Lego Advent Calanders that sometimes have lego people behind the paper door and sometimes have little food stands or park benches you build out of lego.
Then there was the time a couple years ago when every day for a week you got one wall of a jail cell, then a police man, then a criminal and it

I’m sure the vault wasn’t in good shape for exactly the same reason he didn’t have a will. He thought he was fine and it was fine and hadn’t really thought though what might go wrong.

That is a pretty big severance package if that is really all it is.

There is a whole generation that was raised on fast food = bad, but who still have all the same urges that drove McDonalds and Burger King to to top in decades past.
Chipotle is basically a fast food restaurant that (for a while) managed to avoid any of the trappings that normally tip off people they are eating fast

7 Zip

I used to think that, until I was turned on to Sublime Text. Once you start adding in color formatting plugins for whatever you are writing you will not go back.

There was always a part of me that mused if I had a Tardis I would be really tempted to spread a ton of weakened European diseases to the new world 1000 years or so before contact. There would be years of people feeling sick but hopefully not dying (weakened after all), but the civilizations of the new would would

If I ever write a time-travel sci-fi novel (which I won’t), my plan was for the plot to be someone inventing time travel and playing out the trope that after the first trip when they return the Nazi’s won WWII. *then* they find out that the Nazi’s were actually supposed to win WWII and that an alliance of time

Your fashion geekary is strong. I am not a member of your particular community of nerd obsession, but as someone who has strong opinions on historical inaccuracies in wildlife as depicted in historical dramas I respect your desire for an implied culture in the fabric weave of Wakandan clothing.

I remember hearing about the Rabies vaccine on a podcast somewhere. It was fascinating.
According to the doctors they spoke with it apparently takes about 7 days from the time you get the injection to the time you are immune to rabies. Meanwhile if you get bit by something rabid the disease infests the nerves at the

Not movies, but still related. A frustration several boardgame industry friends have is that one of the biggest websites in the hobby puts up pages for games that are announced but not yet released. This allows people to rate these games and log opinions when the people making them know the game isn’t even finished