
I think everyone has to get burned at least once on something like this. For a lot of my friends back in the day it was ringtones (Remember those?) or tech toys, or music “because I feel like something new”. All of which are amusing for 10 min but when you look at the vast amount of stuff you don’t use that you paid

Am I the only one who is sad that neither Evice nor Greevil is apparently showing up? I kinda loved Orre and Team Cipher but they are largely forgotten these days.

The creative people I know all use some variation of this. The ones that actually make a living at it scoff at the idea that you wait for inspiration. You develop your creative muscles by being creative. Bodybuilders aren’t naturally strong, they work out all the time. Neil Gaimen isn’t an inspired font of ideas, he

Obamacare is not good for a lot of people, it is just better than nothing. Actually fixing it rather than just blowing it up would be good, expecially as all the Republican plans seem to involve pulping the infirm for use as a food additive.

I don’t hold an advanced degree myself (I got into my current career before that was a requirement) but a lot of people in my life do.
It seems to this outsider that part of what makes post-grad life so emotionally damaging, and part of why everyone puts up with such horrendous behavior is the “academics are the

True, but IIRC the only time they had a conversation was when they were in the Evil universe (the one with Bearded Spock) and Good Uhura was manipulating Evil Sulu with Sexy.

I think I understand what you are going for, but I don’t agree. Idris Elba is arguable the least weird thing about the Magical Shakespearean Norse Space Techno-Gods from Thor.
Also: Mr. Elba and Ms. Dennings play the two most popular supporting characters in those movies. I was way more excited to see Cat Dennings in

Environmentally it it good in the long run but there is a ton on concern about what happens as the population ages and if we manage to burn everything down before we get put into the old folks home.
The problem is that our economic system is based on perpetual growth and assumes more young people than old people. No

But not as well as they used too when I was young....

Here in Minneapolis I’ve been seeing them at Target pretty consistently for the last 2 or 3 months

“The Broad Street Pump” charts the roots of modern epidemiology and give info on why municipal infrastructure works the way it does.
“The South Sea Bubble” is a great introduction to why economies don’t work a certain way just because a politician says it should.

I think this didn’t happen in arcades because if you said the stuff in person people say online a group of people would have dragged you into the alley out back & pummeled you. Internet Anonymity is the reason people get this way.
As for overblown? I played a ton of Diablo 1 back in the day but played exactly one

OK, was there some kind of medical reason for that or was the doctor just afraid that by clearing up her skin she was going to have more opportunity to damn herself to Hell?

There was that really great SNL skit with Scarlett Johansen where they imagined the laziest possible Black Widow movie: Leather Cat-Suited hero works in a big fashion magazine and breaks her heel on the way to work before meeting cute with Ultron. Then gets advice from all the other Avengers back at her super-cool

We pre-sold our first-born to the magical Elf that wove enough straw into gold to let us pay off our student loans.
Thing is, the contract was kinda non-specific so we just decided not to have any kids and stiff the Magical Elf on principal. It seems like the right way to play it.

That’s rough buddy.
We have all been there.....

I’m running the latest session in a multi-year Changeling: The Dreaming old school world of darkness game. (20th anniversary edition wasn’t a thing when we started, and at this point it would be too disruptive to switch)
One character is organizing a County Fair in the hopes of getting the locals to “take back” their

“My Law-Enforcement drone project was cancelled by senior OCP management when they decided to focus more on Wearable technology for Police Officers”

We are all innocent until proven guilty. By definition you aren’t guilty until your trial is over or a judgement has been made against you.
There is a % of people who are charged that in fact didn’t commit a crime.

Your mother has her eye on the ball