
Being male I’m on pretty thin ice putting out an opinion, but I’ll risk it.
Do people not talk about this because no matter how important Abortions are, the fact that someone had to get one indicates something had gone wrong and in this culture we don’t like to talk about when things go wrong in our personal lives?

Sober isn’t supposed to hurt.
If sober hurts no wonder you drink. Figure out why sober is painful, and fix it.

In what is perhaps a bit of over-engineering I spent about $300 on a Windows OS based micro-server that runs Crashplan rather than going with a service like this. It was more complicated to setup than a NAS, and it took a year or so before I made the money back on the upfront purchase vs the ongoing costs of Crashplan

I know these are what the cool kids are using, but I’m really skeptical of spending $200 on a device that only works as long as Nest decides to let it keep working. The minute they shut down their online service these become really expensive Hockeypucks.

I know these are what the cool kids are using, but I’m really skeptical of spending $200 on a device that only works

I find all the “Hardcore Sailor Moon” fanart a bit confusing. In her show there are already two Hardcore sailors that are sick of Sailor Moon’s namby-pamby “Trust in people to do the right thing, love conquers all” shtick. They want to kick butt and just kill the bad people.

They are Sailors Uranus and Neptune. AND

A buddy of mine once worked at a small company where he was the 2nd person named “Bob”. His co-workers called him “New Bob”, with the other guy being just “Bob”. The “old” was just implied.
My friend insisted they call him “Good Bob” instead of “New Bob”, which actually stuck.

Growing up in Minnesota we are taught that the weather will KILL you unless you take it seriously. Not “you might be uncomfortable”. Dead.
And I live in the city. From what I have seen of my friends who moved here from elsewhere, I think there is a thing where people who grow up where the outside won’t kill you 60% of

I have strong opinions about how Texas Hold-Em should be played but going on about it during a game of 5 Card Draw isn’t really helpful for everyone else playing the game actually in front of them.

I’m a huge fan of Office Lens as a business card scanner. It does a pretty great job of inputting all the contact info into Office

Some people are wired in such a way that if someone is hurting them they feel they need to hurt them back. When you are a teenager with poor emotional skills and your g/bfriend breaks up with you you hurt a lot. Because of them. So the ass-hat logic is that if I’m hurt I have to hurt them more, so Murder.

The only way I think your wrong is your use of the phrase “ever-increasing”. I don’t have the numbers to back this but I suspect the sad truth is that it has *always* been like this and we just didn’t really care.

I don’t know that it was a swap. I’m thinking they had both and realized one of them may not be good.
So not what you would hope for, but progress?

I don’t drink for family reasons. I also dont like being around drunks.

It was also my experience that drinkers would get angry with you if you weren’t drinking with them. I think part of it comes from not doing what the group is doing, but I think a lot of it is because the drinkers think the non-drinkers are judging

Confronting yourself can be the hardest thing anyone does. I don’t drink myself, but I understand.
I think.

When you run a deli you have a sandwitch of the week. When you run a gun store you have the assault weapon of the week.
Regardless of your politics, retail is retail

And if your kickstarter doesn’t fund you still have options:

My (real life realtor) dad was the same. Thing of it was I liked the game enough that I kept playing him for years, vainly trying to defeat him.

I learned this in my Typing class. English never ventured over into practical things. English was more about what to put in an essay.

If things have a chance to get ugly for you at work, use HR to keep the blame off the company. This *might* make them choose you over the other person. Otherwise, I’ve rarely seen any good from getting them involved.

He can’t either. Did she rape him because of her past abuse?