
The unfortunate thing about being a defense Attourney is that sometimes you end up defending real monsters.

I’m a big believer that an adaptation has to take itself with the same level of seriousness as the source to succeed. Green Lantern failed (in part) because it kept winking at itself while the source material doesn’t. Deadpool took itself about as seriously as it’s source and was a big hit.
Obviously you have to also

I feel like there should be a master list of pop-culture things that everyone misunderstands profoundly. We can start with the one you listed:
-Thema & Louise is not a feel good girl-bonding movie where everyone has an awesome time.

These are mine:

A Subset of “Changing your mind once work has begun”: KNOW WHAT YOU WANT !

My wife is a painter and her number 1 issue with clients is the statement “I need to see it up before I can visualize it”. This results in walls that get repainted 3 times because the client didn’t like the colors, but doesn’t want to actually

I know! Lets take adapt a comic book to another medium, but make it Dark & Gritty!


Seems reasonable....

If “Asteroid” was on the presidential ballot I might be tempted....

Speaking as an adult “Big & Tall” sized man I would just love for there to be choices other than Hawaiian shirts and Harley logos for me. I’m a big dude but I’m not either of those big dudes.
Is it so much to ask for a damn shirt without flames on it?

It seems as if it really did.
A buddy of mine is an actual Buddhist Priest who spends a lot of time dealing with cross-philosophy (usually white) seekers. (The difference between him and this movie is that I knew him before and during the years he spent studying under a Zen Teacher with a verifiable lineage, so I’m

Now playing

Check out Kumare sometime. I believe it is on Hulu.

Wow.. just Wow.

I’m 41, have been married for 10 years. My wife is very strident that marrying me did not change her no baby feels

My mother had this speech about if she had it to do all over again she would have done everything 5-6 years later so she didn’t spend so much of her early 20s being pregnent with me & my siblings. I heard this several times growing up.
Now she always said she was glad she had us and was glad she married my Father

This is pretty much what I said, MyChart is an add-on to Epic, not the same thing.

I used to work in IT at Fairview Health in Minnesota. MyChart is indeed pretty great, it is an add-on to the Epic brand Health Record software which is one of the big 3 or 4 electronic health records on the market. It is actually one of the tangible benefits of *using* an electronic health record but a surprising

When the landlord shows up to fix the toilet, you are not getting something for free. You are collecting on all the extra money he builds into the rent for maintenance.

And if the city raises taxes, then I promise you the landlord will pass the increase on to the renters.

This depends on where you live and what kind of new house you want. If you are moving into a virgin development where dozens of houses are being built at once you are probably right.
If you can find a lot in an already developed area then you likely will not have a HOA.

Aren’t those poor men part of families and community? Or are men just bad and need some paternalism?

There has been a rumor going around for years that Prince suffered from degeneration in his hips, aggravated by years of dance moves and high-heels. He really needed a hip-replacement but refused it because the operation would have required blood transfusions.
It is conceivable he was taking opiates to deal with the

There is a probably apocryphal story about how he wrote “The Most Beautiful Girl in the World” that I always loved. In the 90s he had been exploring all kinds of experimental stuff because he was Prince.