This must be Q
This must be Q
This is outrageous! The pizza papa is a part of our history, and they’re wiping our history off of buildings to appease people offended by his use of racial slurs. What’s next? Removing statues of people who were in open rebellion of the United States over the issue of owning people?
And I don’t want my grandkids growing up in a theocratic totalitarian corporate fascist dystopian industrial wasteland police state. So... where do we go from here?
“It never hits the anti-humor heights of the TV show, which had one episode that was entirely dedicated to learning about how renting property works”
Grown ass people following kids around who got shot or witnessed the shooting when they were just trying to go to school. Yep, this sounds like America.
I’m sure you didnt leave it out based on ignorance but I have to respond to you that OBJECTIVELY ok computer is one of the classic albums of the 90s. It was a massive hit popularity wise and artistically. Obviously, you don’t like it, but they do have a “timeless masterpiece” that you literally coulden’t leave out if…
It’s always puzzling when someone takes the time to have a strong opinion and leave a comment about something, but doesn’t bother to actually click a link provided right there in the article that explains at least some of the details they’re speculating about.
Democrats as a party need to stop being so afraid of some people in the party embracing radical new ideas. Republicans are not afraid of that at all. They’ve had presidential candidates who have proposed cutting entire well-established (and entirely necessary) cabinet departments - Energy, Education, the IRS for…
Be honest, you made those names up, didn’t you?
Lead image:
On July 27 in the year 2018, the moon will be dripping with rivulets of blood during what is set to be the longest…
See also also: Sarah Huckabee Sanders who is 35!!
“Evil may help grant long life, but it ain’t shit when it’s matched up against cocaine.”
You, my friend, are suffering from media oversaturation. The only way to keep yourself sane is to tune out for awhile and ignore the news. If you follow it daily, you’ll get stuck in the time warp you speak of.
Counterpoint: this is a great tactic. All he has to do is get a new phone if he’s so bothered by it. If that means he loses half a day of work on being Joseph Goebells reincarnate, that’s a worthy, moral outcome.
Bullshit. They go low, we step on their throats until they leanr to act human.
There’s that old Gawker feeling.
Really he threw them in and then started making demands to let them out after.
‘80s jocks were right - nerds are bad fucking news.
I’m kidding, you don’t understand sarcasm