
The entire Netflix model seems to be now “here’s a million dollars, oh it’s not a hit after the first weekend canceled”

To be fair the entire last chapter is about him

At least it’s better than hot Stalin

I still find it hard to believe Stephen Miller isn’t someone’s discount frankentein homonculus project grown in a heritage foundation lab, and someone’s actual child

The past two state of the Unions he’s given a largely sane platitude filled speech you’d expect a non-shithead president to give, and his approval ratings briefly rose 5%.

Since laughter is cheap, they should aim for gasps

I’m genuinely shocked that wasn’t the series finale (it darn well could have been).

Given the fact 800,000 people are about to be late on their rents and mortgages, it’s pretty amazing the number isn’t higher

Centrist Dems of a certain age (boomers) came of age at the time of Reagan and internalized all of the wrong lessons. The southern block of the party was abandoning democrats because of the Civil rights act. The lesson wasn’t “move right” it was “find a better coalition.

Pro life organizations would never approve of a march to actually expand woman’s rights.   A March to repeal the 19th amendment might be acceptable if they got a permission slip from their husbands first

Just wait till he finds out girls don’t have penises. 

Also clear parallels between this and members only jacket guy (it’s been like 12 years I’ve forgotten his name) from the very beginning of s6’s diner execution.

The thing that always stands out to me and why I’m firmly in the “he died” camp. This scene was explicitly replayed in the beginning of the last episode:

I for one find it hard to believe the Kominsky Method is actually a thing, much less a Chuck Lorre com on Netflix that beat out Barry, the Good Place and Ms. Maisel for best comedy.

Hasn’t HBO threatened a lawsuit already? I’m pretty sure that’s an infringement claim

Didn’t Lepage only win plurality victories.........twice?

Now playing

Even though she gets nowhere near the attention of Kate McKinnon, ive thought she’s been the most talented cast member for a while now- specifically at creating women about 5 seconds away from a complete breakdown.

You really don’t understand the left wing perspective at all

As per anything like this.

It seems almost unfair to the rest of television that a show like this can pack this much forward momentum, while addressing fundamental questions about the nature of good and evil in the universe, while breaking new ground in what is possible narratively, while also being really forking funny,