Fox’s next musical should be The Nightman Cometh.
This seems most likely. In a legal filing, “inaccuracies” are the kind of thing that open the door for competent defense lawyers to stab holes in the entire thing.
Mueller’s not leaving room for that stabbing.
The spirit of the story may well be accurate, even if the absolute letter is not--but all we can do is wait and…
The difference is that this is actually a case covered by the First Amendment. If Kathy Griffin was investigated by the Secret Service and the AG at the request of the president and had her livelihood impacted (if you are on a no fly list, it’s real hard to go on tour), then this is a case of government censorship and…
My husband and I were talking about this after last night’s episode - how do they keep answering the question “Where can they go from here?” Because they keep making it seem impossible, and then finding the most creative possible way to prove me wrong.
The Sprawl is already worse in DC than the rest of similar sized cities, because no building can go up higher than the capital in DC.
In the universe of Sunny, there’s no way Ronald Macdonald has the intelligence, determination, or capacity to pull off what he did last night. Rob McElhenney does. For this one moment, he wanted the world to experience “Mac” like he wants to be seen.
Thanks for keeping up with the series. And you’ll hear no argument from me, Diana is the best.
Not done reading quite yet, but I wanted to say that these deep dives are some of the best things GMG puts out (non-Moskowitz division, she's the champ). More like this please.
I thought it worked, it took this show’s flair for over the top insanity and flipped it on its head. We’ve come to expect this show to wallow in the bloody excrement of human failure, so what could be more shocking after 13 seasons of said shit-rolling than a moment of actual goddamn grace? I’m not saying this should…
Keep in mind the many Democratic Senate seats being defended last night were picked up during 2012 — Obama’s re-election. D’s kept most of them. In 2020 the Republican’s will be on defense — 20 of the 34 seats up for re-election will be in Republican control. If the push we saw last night continues the D’s can get…
Do you hear this lady? She’s talking about being in a deli on a campus full of laughing hippos!?! She’s not right in the head! She’s totally nutso! Whacked out!
My hope is that Dennis never tells us what happened to his family. Dennis is funnier when we’re not entirely sure the extent of his madness. Refusing to ever give more than a vague explanation about why he came back would be perfect Dennis.
“Hey baby buddy baby buddy baby buddy brown”, or something like that.
Every season I think Princess Caroline has hit rock bottom, but then this show is all like NOPE. SUCKER.
I don’t need to tell you that you should not go to Politicon;
Well, Dodger stadium is 56,000 seats, times 81 home games a year, times two trips. That’s $9,072,000 a season. Which would mean it’d only need to be the sole purpose of transportation for every single fan for every single game (assuming sell out crowds), while costing $0 a year to operate or maintain for 100 years to…
Frank Oz got banned for a week for this Tweet. Evidently the Twitter censors had never seen the phrase “I owe you an apology” used on their service before and thought it must be something nefarious.
What in the fuck is this? Ben Jealous, who some Maryland Democrats have been slow to endorse after the primary because he supports *checks notes* Medicare for all. Who supports free college tuition? Who, in the 2016 primary endorsed *checks notes again* Bernie Sanders.
How dare these dirty athletes ignore a proud tradition that stretches all the way back to 2009!