
Not all of us had the benefit of being alive 35 years ago. The time to stand and fight is, resoundingly, always.

C’mon. The guys aren’t that good looking.

“thinking without a box,” 14

In our defense it was mostly anyone who didn’t live in a real city. Columbus, Cleveland, Cincy and Toledo and the counties they are located in were trending heavily for Hillary.
But in towns that aint go no jobs and in which you can use the word “methy” to define their populace, they were all in on the Greatening of

Including, crucially, many of the people Democrats assume are their natural constituency, with black turnout (to pick an example) lower enough that it could have swung the election. The Detroit metro area, for example, had 16% lower turnout than in 2012. That’s enough to have potentially given her Michigan. Which I

But why are people who are voting for jobs and the economy voting for Trump?

I said it with regards to Brexit and it’s just as true here. Whether or not you can beat back the arguments intellectually is beside the point, the reality is those results are a symptom of larger issues within the country. That they make zero fucking sense doesn’t matter when the Centre-Left’s response is “Nah dudes,

Imagine that, a bunch of man babies melting down. Fucking beta cucks.

“Ian’s success really speaks for itself,” Falwell said. “You look at what Baylor was able to do during his tenure, it fits perfectly with where we see our sports programs going. This is an exciting time for us.”

But don’t pray too hard...I announced on Facebook that my grandfather was in the hospital, battling cancer; so many people prayed for him that he got super strong and ended up destroying like half the hospital wing. It took 9 horse tranquilizers to bring him down, it was awful.

You, however, can fuck off.

Please be safe.

Soooooooo. Im here. Thankfully I am on South Campus and the shooting is on north campus. And we have security guards on our first floor. Shooting happened in Watts hall, shooter now appears to be in a parking garage on Lane and Tuttle.

also, everytime that philosophy has been tried, it’s ended with income inequality, massive debts, and recessions

People who supported Trump based on jobs don’t understand how the world economy works. They must think he can single-handedly reverse globalization and return jobs to the US from China, Mexico, etc.

Blah, blah, blah, blah. Those things all happened in the past. Why can’t you just just accept the fact that he’s nice (to Peggy Noonan) now? Or six weeks ago anyhow.

This is a fucked up comment. There’s no reason to say this.

Because previously he has just been an amusing-for-his-cluelessness C-grade celebrity, his ability to harm had limited scope, he was just simply boorish.

That is quite the rich fantasy you’ve crafted, there.

there’s absolutely no way trump runs for a second term. at his core, trump is a con man. he just pulled off the world’s greatest con, and every great con man knows pulling off the same con twice is very unlikely