
No, we’re not.

Pretty sure this is about a race truck

Toyota, huh?

TBH I think it’s possible to address the concerns of the white working class while firmly holding that racism is unacceptable. Left-liberals tend to be very big picture thinkers who love ideological purity, but the Democratic Party’s coalition is a big tent and we should make it bigger. A 50 state solution that

White people are going to be a minority soon. The rust belt is going to become unsustainable soon. Trying to play to the needs of a population and demographic that is becoming increasingly irrelevant is not a smart political move.

Here’s the thing though. Democrats did. I reposted this all over the place today, but it bears repeating.

nothing says “i understand your pain” more than saying “just go to my website and read up”

No, that’s absolutely her fault.

Not her fault you refused to listen to her


OK, but that doesn’t really answer the question of how you’re keeping it together. Lots of people woke up, ate breakfast, and went to fucking work, but did it with a ball of fear in the pit of their stomach. If you aren’t terrified of Trump enacting the policies the campaigned on because they won’t really affect you,

And Gawker, before them.

If anything, the Giz investigated the question and found us the answer. So now you can go tell every ignorant (republican) tweeter who doesn’t care enough about the truth, to stop ranting about false news. Again.

No puppet.

“Donald Trump gave morons in dumbfuckistan a reason to be excited.”

I agree there were a lot of other issues, but johnson and stein had a big impact in certain states.

For the life of me I’ll never understand why the democrats cleared the decks to anoint a candidate who had already failed miserably in 2008 and who revealed herself to be isolated and utterly out of touch with the electorate.

Honestly, this makes me wish Romney had won.

The two ladies in my office. Both young moms of girls. One actually said (not paraphrasing) “well I didn’t like either candidate but my husband owns a business so, you know, Trump being a business man, it makes more sense.”

No matter what you believe, this is nonsense.