
OK, but that doesn’t really answer the question of how you’re keeping it together. Lots of people woke up, ate breakfast, and went to fucking work, but did it with a ball of fear in the pit of their stomach. If you aren’t terrified of Trump enacting the policies the campaigned on because they won’t really affect you,

And Gawker, before them.

No puppet.

“Donald Trump gave morons in dumbfuckistan a reason to be excited.”

I agree there were a lot of other issues, but johnson and stein had a big impact in certain states.

For the life of me I’ll never understand why the democrats cleared the decks to anoint a candidate who had already failed miserably in 2008 and who revealed herself to be isolated and utterly out of touch with the electorate.

Honestly, this makes me wish Romney had won.

The two ladies in my office. Both young moms of girls. One actually said (not paraphrasing) “well I didn’t like either candidate but my husband owns a business so, you know, Trump being a business man, it makes more sense.”

No matter what you believe, this is nonsense.

Bowie, Prince, and Ali dead.

I know I’m focusing on the wrong thing, but not only is the hat/slogan stupid, but it also looks so damn cheap. Tacky shit, fit only for classless, ignorant, racist, assholes.

I’ve slept 4 hours and 3 cups of coffee have done jack shit.

I was waiting for another deal like this to pull the trigger.

I was waiting for another deal like this to pull the trigger.

Yeah, no change.

I give him three months before he goes, “Fuck this. I am outta here.” This is a man who has been handed everything to him on a silver platter his entire life. He didn’t have to roll up his sleeves and work his knuckles to the bone for anything. And now he is going to take what is arguably the most stressful and

Worse than 2000 by leaps and bounds.

As a Jewish American, I couldn’t agree more.

As a Muslim American who spent the night consoling friends and family members, please, do not be jaded. As ridiculous as that sounds, it’s literally my only request. Because jadedness lends itself to apathy, and if there were ever a time to actually care about anything, it’s now, facing a clown president and a fascist

To anyone who voted Trump:

guaranteed income from people who don’t really care. of the 89 million “subscribers”, there is a large amount that are paying for ESPN and don’t want it just because it’s part of their package. if you allow everyone to opt-out and go al a carte, ESPN and others will have to figure out how to recover that income. they