
Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a

So...I mean...I guess I sort of get why she’d rather Trump be President than Clinton? Plus the other day Trump just outright said voting for her helped him, so there’s that. Stein 2016! Make America Dumb Again!

Thanks for admitting to the world that you can’t read.

So if you’re an unwavering JoPa supporter, do you:

$55 is shocking, but that’s how Snyder rolls. His stadium is located in a wide open swath of suburban hell. They should pay you to go there. But, I paid the $55 like so many lazy lemmings. BTW: Great show.

To the point of the Orioles official’s testimony, there’s only one section of street that’s really blocked off for games, and it’s not exactly highly trafficked. Not an inch of sidewalk is ever impeded, nor does it ever need to be.

$55???? Holy fucking shit, fuck you buddy.

So Haq a Shaq, that's the hallmark of a real sport?

Counterpoint: OK Go is great and this sucks.

Uh, sorry, you’re watching TV.

Because it’s 65168130208713107813086186431982182344567 degrees in Texas in the summer with a 2 degree difference for night time ball

Fuck hulk hogan, fuck peter thiel, and fuck anyone who cheered them on.

it seems like the Canes may be the best bet - but i think all leagues like a ready-to-go city for stadium/ownership woes and quebec could be it

Dear Representative Daniel,

Normally 1942-2016 is just the crowd estimate at Marlins Park

Bravo to KWTX!

Does it really matter? Credible or not I think it helps to publicize this sort of stuff — both to expose this ugliness and to push sites like Twitter to improve their harassment policies.

Go back to bed, Katie.

Texas, as always, keeping their priorities straight.