

so you’re saying if you wait til your 40 to produce a child, you’re some pathetic waste?

I think what you mean is, you miss the days when you would say that and no one would call you an asshole for it.

The difference is that Schilling kept posting crazy shit on FB after ESPN suspended him and told him to stop, and Ray Lewis never killed anyone obstructed justice again after they asked him to stop.

Fake mooned. Never forget that Joe Buck lost his shit over a fake moon.

Fine. Nuke the sports department. The students can still go to class and all that horseshit. I’m sick of this sports program hiding behind their precious, precious students who don’t deserve this.


Playoffs are exciting because they’re an elimination tournament. The EPL has an elimination tournament: It’s called the FA Cup, it features like 700 teams from every level of soccer in the UK, and winning this tournament is a separate achievement from winning the league.

“Robert E. Lee” came in second.

That picture also proves that there really isn’t anything worth shopping for at a TJ Maxx.

In other news the canadian dollar is up to 78 cents US...the highest it has been since Harper imploded the economy.

I came here to read Rob’s article, not yours.

The dog was relieved that it was only a spring training game. Besides, it had been 13 years since going to a Phillies game meant a trip to the Vet.

This will end poorly.

Lil Kim!

Totally saw that too

“The rectum is an exit, not an entrance”

Shut the fuck up.

Yeah. It’s a shame that his actual collaborators - as in his musicians, as in Carlos Alomar and Dennis Davis and George Murray and Earl Slick and Robert Fripp , the people who made the music with him - were not brought into this. I know Nile Rogers directed (dude, why NILE??? Explain this mess to me, you’re better