If it’s not two separate all-boys and all-girls camps I would be shocked. The, ahem, storylines, that could serve..
If it’s not two separate all-boys and all-girls camps I would be shocked. The, ahem, storylines, that could serve..
Paulson and Peters are both probably too expensive for AHS at this point.
Aluminum can begin to distort at 600 degrees. They’re using plastic at that temperature? That’s some special plastic... only Apple. The company itself is made of Teflon. I like my products, but in a conversation with Apple, you have to get past the point where you agree it’s your fault before you can get any…
Cigarettes cause cancer. Weed doesn’t. That’s the entire reason for banning tobacco.
“That’s no Moon...”
Does it stop websites from asking you to sign up for their shitty newsletter every single fucking visit to their site?
Barack strikes me as someone who finds something to like about just about everyone, and I just love that Michelle is like “f*ck that, he sucks”!
That’s one bird who doesn’t mind a little stuffing!
Goddammit another misleading headline: totally thought this was going to be a Mr. Robot style hijack and am disappointed it’s just workaday folks doing good things for strangers. Borrrring!
God, I miss her. Even her absolute fucking hatred manages to keep it classy
We are FED. Fanks, Michelle.
Thank you! I got called into HR for having that picture on my screen when someone walked by. Talk about salacious!
And this post of a woman in Victorian dress was also flagged for being too salacious when it wasn’t even salacious by 19th century British terms.
Nobody decided to do that. Kinja decided to do that. Haven’t you realized that there’s nobody in control of Kinja? It is autonomous and sentient... and kind of dumb.
Wait, there’s other content on Tumblr? Asking for a friend.
Every cake needs icing.
The British Baking Show flag is legit though. It’s impossible to watch all that cake without rubbing one out.
This Is how the Blair Witch Project ended
Take the leftover pie crust dough, sprinkle a bit of sugar (and cinnamon, if you wanna get fancy) on it, roll it up, and bake it. Perfection.