
Why, Seperate Knob? Why, Seperate Knob?!?

Shouldn’t there be a neck here?

Angle makes these look crooked as fuck.

White is the New Black, coming soon from Netflix.

Maebe she’s faking it, Maebe it’s Mabelline.

beats me, but with as shitty most of the asian drivers are on campus in sunny weather, snow will not be their friend.

Oh, you should visit after the first snowfall. I'm looking forward to seeing the McLaren I've seen tooling around the engineering building in a ditch somewhere.

The part that really gets me is not that they're driving expensive cars, it's that they think nothing applies to them, like parking meters. We laugh every

If I dabbled in the V for a while, then decided to go back to D, I'd sure as hell choose his D too :D

Hasn't the world suffered enough?

Yeah, I assume it's hemorrhaging cash, but I'm not sure what her personal stake in it is. Harpo Productions and Discovery Communications each own 50%, so I guess it would depend on her ownership with Harpo, which, according to Wikipedia, the Internet's greatest source of truthiness, seems to be OWNed several layers

I'm sure there can be a licensing deal worked out for syndication rights on OWN. Gotta fill those broadcast hours!

And now I've lost any and all respect I ever had for him. WTF?

Jerri Blank says what?

Those courses have "Liberty University" written all over them.

Look at all those blacks I own...

It's a well-known fact that Toronto LOVES Chris Farley movies, so he was the obvious choice for mayor. His antics and van-down-by-the-river folkiness really appeals there.