
I know. It reminds me of the Joker’s henchmen — if you know the Joker is just as likely to kill you as one of his victims, why did you join his gang? Was King Tut not hiring? 

Well now we know who put this ad up in the NYC subway today

So we’ve seen this play out through nearly a dozen stooges that have moved through the Trump camp in the last few years alone.

Given all that, you’d think Trump would appreciate

Now playing

I am searching for the pony in the pile of horseshit here, but it is oddly satisfying in a way to watch Trump bully and berate other Republicans.

Yeah. I'm excited to see this movie, but I’m convinced Todd Phillips doesn’t want me to be.

Man, you can’t figure out the difference between John Wick and the Joker? Do you even comics?

I swear, the entire PR campaign for this movie has been one long exercise in doing things the stupidest way possible.

There are a fair number of white nationalists and alt-right guys who are dating or married to Asians. It seems like cognitive dissonance, but it’s a real thing. 

And this is after he said Lizzo would be forgotten in 2 years after her song from 2 years ago made it onto the billboard 100. Edge lords gotta edge

“...White Nationalists find Asians to be the most agreeable non-white group in our society”)...”

He’ll make The Butler 2: Electric Boogaloo?

I used to be a Starbucks store manager, and you wouldn’t believe the petty shit people would take the time to complain about us to corporate. One time I was expediting the people in line and this lady  made a gesture that would suggest a large coffee, but said “tall coffee.” I asked if she meant the large size or the

It’s easy to make fun of Guy Fieri. Fun too. But the dude fed the firefighters and victims in the recent fires in Northern California and does a lot of other philanthropic work. Also, I would eat the f*** out of that kemosabe roll.

You know what happens when you make “David Banner” angry?  You won’t like him when he’s angry...

Please tell me there is film of this speech. I want to see how many white people’s mouths hit the floor during the speech. I also want to see footage of the President of the college having a stroke or heart attack during it.

I do actually think that action movie bullshit has a lot to answer for with regards to what Americans think is possible. I had to talk a high school kid out of the notion that getting gut shot was definitely better than being stabbed because of something he read in The Da Vinci Code. He was also sure that a bullet

I’m probably gonna get slammed for saying this but to me this reeks of the monstrous “medical experiments” the Nazis sanctioned. This guy is no longer a doctor, he’s a nutjob happily endangering women. 

According to various male authority figures, the female body is truly a miracle, shutting down pregnancies when the rape is legitimate, and resorbing ectopic pregnancies in a single bound!

Along with the idea that a woman whose body was ruptured and hemorrhaging due to an ectopic pregnancy could be more effectively treated by a doctor who pumped her with her own filtered blood,