I, for one, am utterly shocked to see disgusting behavior coming from the immaculate heaven that is the Italian soccer world.
I, for one, am utterly shocked to see disgusting behavior coming from the immaculate heaven that is the Italian soccer world.
Change scares my feelings, which, when you have them, are gay.
“I have never thought that thing I said” is pretty impressive by the admittedly already high standard of bullshit to say in insincere apologies.
You know how the old defense for a lot of creepy dudes banging underage teens is, “She looks older?” The opposite could not possibly be more true for Greta. She's 16, but she has the vibe of a precocious 11-year-old. (This in no way diminishes the righteousness of her fury, BTW.) So for this dude to be saying that…
I shall invent a device that alerts Dolphins fans when they are being erroneously charged for purchases. It will emit a Dolphin-call shriek if a skimmer is used to rack up a fraudulent charge. I will call it “the Miami Sound Machine.”
I mean at this point they’re just like the Trumpers in that they’ve staked their position and no amount of facts will move the needle. I mean it seems simple enough to me. Your union is taking your money and using it to support a white supremacist, either vote those leaders out or break away and form your own Union.…
When will the Black cops learn? When they say blue lives matter they aren’t talking about the dark blue ones.
Honestly, I have yet to find a reason to ever go to a Christmas party that didn’t include the phrase “must attend”, and certainly never found liday party worthy of the expense one must pay.
Fat guy = swayback. Shoe lifts to salve wounded vanity at not being tallest = weird center of gravity. Lack of anyone he’d listen to saying “dude, you’re not fooling anyone”= his entire world.
Luckily for us, he is not part of the government and can and will be thrown in jail if he is held in contempt of Congress
On the subject of spewing absolute nonsense, the House Intelligence Committee has apparently subpoenaed Rudy Giuliani as part of the impeachment inquiry. He’s already said he won’t co-operate.
I’ve worked in TV, radio, and an ad agency over the last ten-plus years, just so you know what I’m about to describe isn’t just coming out of my ass, based on nothing:
If I know Vince McMahon as well as I think I do, which I don’t, I’d say part of this is less about the number of viewers* and more about that sweet, sweet Rupert Murdoch money.
Other than getting antenna users, how does this shift really bring in new viewers? USA is a pretty basic-tier cable channel. If people really want to watch wrestling on TV they can probably get it. Everyone knows that wrestling exists. It’s like advertising plain M&M’s or Coke. You know it exists. You can get it if…
I mean, cool. But, you know, maybe show some compassion towards all victims of abuse? Maybe we shouldn’t immediately revert to toxic masculinity and say “what a little baby for calling the cops”?
Ah, the comeuppance is wonderful.
Yep, I absolutely am! Making fun of them too! On the internet, nonetheless!
IT professional here, my normal response to the “huh, person-who-normally-sits-at-this-desk, you look different today!” joke is to deadpan/deadeye look at them and ask how I may help them with zero emotion in either my face or voice.