
Jacob Wohl should kill himself for our entertainment. 

How on earth could he have possibly thought Trump WOULDN’T be the way he is though? That’s such a stupid excuse.

And all you do is take everything personally and whine all day. Stop being so mad all the time, dumbass. 

Trump and his voters are such bad people. 

Be kind, most Republicans are idiots who complain all fuckin’ day too. 

Have any Republicans ACTUALLY ever been for law and order?

“I’m not racist, I just say I am and then shot a black dude because I was so horny from sexting.”

Ah, a typical rightie piece of trash. 

Every Republican in America thinks this is an incredibly funny image. All of them, from voters to elected officials. 

All Republicans think this is fine. 

To be fair, all Republicans DO want to shoot people. 

Hey, it’s my biggest fan! Still salty, asshole? 

Man, they greys are going to be filling their shorts over this one.

Christ, all conservatives ever fuckin’ do is whine. They should commit suicide if they’re so aggrieved.

Darren must be poor as fuck if this bothers him. 

Lol calm down asshole. Your idiocy is showing. Now get off the fuckin’ pipe and get a job.

I think it’s only good for spreading conspiracies to the rubes. 

It WOULD be nice if someone killed Corey Lewandowski. 

Well they won’t actually destroy themselves over this. That’s just wishful thinking.

That Nixon wasn’t executed in a symbolic gesture is a tragedy.