
It’s going to be awesome watching all these right wing “WE WILL ALWAYS FIGHT FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL AGAINST THE TYRANNY OF A BIG, OPPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT!” Twist themselves into pretzels defending Trump when he starts ordering people to be arrested and summarily executed for treason against the state.


I don’t understand how you can be such a remarkably bad liar and still be an attorney.

“No, I didn’t work with anybody to try and get dirt on Joe Biden,” Giuliani said.

“...it’s obvious that something is eating at his brain... 

But remember it’s the left that suffers from derangement syndrome. 

...and now they are all pretend-concerned. Look, the deplorables and their apologizers in the media can’t tell me nothin’. Fuck their feelings.

Nope and never did.

Miller did not get into his position of power through the Good old Boy Network. That’s how someone like Bush Jr. got into power. Miller got into power because he’s an opportunist that spent his adult life trying to ride someone’s coattails up the ladder of power. He had the good fortune to jump on the Trump bandwagon

Stephen Miller can burn in the rotting bowels of hell. And the lie in his last question: “Do we want to be governed by an unelected bureaucracy or by a democratically elected president?” is that the Electoral college is not a direct democratic election and the rules put in place make it very easy to manipulate

It’s remarkable that he’s advanced so far based on nothing more than bigotry and connections.

I guarantee there are at least half a dozen kids at every community college in the country, let alone state and private universities, that are more competent than Miller has ever been or ever will be. It’s remarkable that he’s advanced so far based on nothing more than bigotry and connections. 

Exactly. Trump used his old bait and switch tactic for the 80th time and people still haven’t caught on.

“Look at those Bidens over there,  I was just trying to get to the bottom of the Dem’s corruption! They tried to rig the election! It was Ukraine not(my friend and financier)Russia.” And so on and so forth.

If Donald Trump is the last hope for your people, you’re truly in a world of shit. White supremacy is a hell of a drug.

Ya’ll need to settle down because...

I’d settle for a “traitors shall be hung from the neck until dead” shirt

Let’s be clear about something; her district is not “split” on her:

Fuck these pearl-clutchers (and that includes you motherfuckers in the grays) If you’re more concerned with the language than you are with making sure that a lawless administration is removed from office, or currying favor in the hopes of getting a few pennies in pork barrel spending tossed your way (Not going to

I’m buying one.

I love how they want to state that he displayed criminal behavior for calling out the officer that actually lied on him and falsely arrested him but no one decided to look into his account of the events that he was speaking about....except to further tarnish him by showing his mugshot...of the falsely charged and