
Conservatives see kids as as things to bully, abuse or fuck. That’s it. 

Trump should kill himself if he’s so bothered. 

Hey Jerry!

“We live in a S O C I E T Y”- Tom Brady, an adult.

There are very few jobs that honestly require 40 hours of work a week.

Everyone knows Crenshaw gouged his own eye out for votes anyway.

Look, if you’re not killin’ it in the sheets, I dunno what to tell you! As a famous rapper once said, “I wanna Terror-style revolution where we eat the rich in the streets/ and a freak in the bed!”

Eh, I’m sure the kids will be fine. I seem to recall being pretty stoked about seeing those when I was 13. 

Lots of weird adults spending time on a site they claim is “only for kids.” That’s way fuckin’ worse than this, christ.

Gamers love getting upset over nothing, then complaining that everyone is too sensitive. 

Thank goodness it’s not a platform that ever features grotesque violence or people bellowing racism!

If they haven’t, the little shits don’t deserve the internet. 

Gamers: the weakest fuckin’ race. 

We just need to start killing people like this in the streets. 

So fuckin’ what? Let the goddam Saudis deal with it on their own. They LOVE killing people!

“Well, you’re still here in Texas, so welcome aboard to the school next door!”

I know it’s so easy to dump on Texas, but shit like doofballs hinking Mexico is ordering people to flood Texas is the dumbest, shit kicker thinking I’ve ever fuckin’ heard.

They don’t actually teach anything in Texas schools. 

Sorry, but she lives in Texas, those shitkickers will place her somewhere else before most people finish this article. Never have any faith in a Texan. 

He’s a wet suicide waiting to happen.