This may be as good as we'll ever be

To be fair, “Old People Do Mob Stuff While DiCaprio Screams” was a pretty good movie. 

The narrative will be that the Delta variant was caused by vaccinations and that the Dems want vaccinations and, in turn, the variant in order to open up more mail-in ballots so they can defraud the elections again.

Seinfeld was never a comedic genius in his stand-up but he tapped into that Cosby-role of the 90s and flipped it from family man to single guy pointing out the annoyances of life. The sitcom took his work, but mostly Larry’s, to an amazing level.

I always liked Romano’s stand-up but he was right to jump on the sitcom

I have no idea how my original submission ended up formatted like that but yes, his wild swings and “lashing out” at the audience are my favorite things. Their conversation on Cats has been my favorite episode in a long time. 

Things may suck right now but I am sincerely so happy that we live in a world where Jason Mantzoukas exists. 

If you want him to get less attention, stop reporting on him. CK is not going to stop doing sets. He needs the money and what else is he going to do? Go back to punching up Hollywood scripts?

He is who he always said he was. This is a guy who had a joke that said (paraphrasing and in turn removing any attempt at humor)

Fair enough. I do remember liking some of Foxworthy’s stuff and I remember reading a book of his that I liked quite a bit. I think my issue stems from when the BCCT became huge that the crew, outside of White, pandered to the lowest common denominator and the catch phrase portions became the main focus of their bits.

Ron White is the only one with real comedic chops. The others were just catch phrase comics appealing to fans of things that are familiar.


Guessing is not an appropriate response to this. 

Small correction: Bjork was in Dancer in the Dark, not Breaking the Waves. A minor change that does not change the accusation.

Risky Business, while stylish, puts Artemis as a whore which is not a great call.

Counterpoint: American media-tainment feeds us with a seemingly never ending peep-show into the worst of humanity so that when normalcy actually appears on television, we are shocked that it actually exists.

Not so sure a single hive mind mentality is the solution to all of our problems.

Has Infowars picked up on this yet? We have our new Pizzagate.

Wait...they’re making a Doug Punchthruster movie?!?

The Tim Doyle tweet was tongue-in-cheek. He was clearly poking fun at wypipo. I am pretty sure his tweet history would show that.

Have you not seen “Soul Man?”

Sabotage is to 201x trailers as Solsbury Hill is to 199x trailers.

I see your point. My issue with Beastie “white boy” comment (and I am an admitted apologist) is that they explored their genre in ways that very few else were doing with Paul’s Boutique and future albums. More accolades/press (maybe) but their influence opened a door to an audience that may have never been introduced