This may be as good as we'll ever be

Sigh. At no point did she ever think, for whom am I fighting?

Culture-appropriating white guys - scoff. Nice try but when you want to spit on someone make sure they actually suck or they are on fire. You sound silly trying to put-down a group pretty much respected by everyone in the genre.

This is not new to today. The only difference with Trump is he is/seems more dangerous.

Dig far and deep enough into anyone’s past, you will find skeletons. Not all skeletons are created equal of course. We are all problematic and we are all a collective of our actions. Narrowed down to specific moments in time and we all could be painted as terrible people.


Or he could be innocent. I mean who knows. I don’t. But surely there are better things about which to be angry?

Ugh! See them all right now! :)

Reach out to friends and talk. You will make it through this. Hell, we are strangers but if you want to reach out, please do so.

Thematically and mood-wise...maybe...but I hardly see how you can accuse the director of Fantastic Mr. Fox, Moonrise Kingdom, and The Grand Budapest Hotel of being the same thing over and over.

This is not a GOP vs Dems issue. All are hypocrites.

No one is a saint. Everyone has skeletons. And people can learn.

The unfortunate aspect for Dave’s comedy is that he doesn’t have to develop a set any more. He said so himself right in the special. He comes out, tells stories/jokes, and people laugh...every time...because he is Dave Chappelle.

It is on Youtube (with Spanish subs that are easily ignored.)

Is there a lyrics sheet for this?

Did Luke train Kylo at the Jedi Temple? If so, why was it so hard for everyone to find him in TFA. If not, nevermind. Carry on.

He means cakes for Muslims. He is just not saying it.

It is a wet paint sign. All we want to do is touch it.

These are pics, I believe, from his 2012 interview with her on his network. He essentially trashed her, called her soulless, said he wasn’t attracted to her, and other things equally repulsive after she left.

But now, unlike Trump’s tax returns, you should share your playlist so we can hear how the other side listens. It’s the only way that the Kushner’s and the rest of us can better ourselves.

I actually liked Storks. The idea of the wolves joining together to form bridges and complex machinery was a genuinely funny idea.