
I agree that it’s ugly, but also, the digital affectation serves the film tremendously in how unnerving and disorienting the look and atmosphere is. Plus, I love how Lynch—along with Michael Mann, Spike Lee, and others—really played with the language of film with early digital cinematography. There’s a reason movies

I think tastes also change the older we get, but that’s not a sure thing. For me, it tastes pretty much the same it always has, to a point where if I have a thing for iced tea, it’s easier to simply bike to any nearby convenience store and get one and the stores around me are very poorly taken care of, yet they all

My only recollection of a Sbarro pizza slice is that it somehow accomplished being both greasy and dry simultaneously. 

That’s because you know that Toucan Sam fucks.

I know it’s sad, but for roadtrips, but it’s convenient, fast, inexpensive, I know what to expect, I’m unlikely to get poisoned, and the bathrooms are usually acceptable.

Now playing

If all this is true, once Trump weighs in on how dumb the change is they’ll wish they’d left it alone. Tucker weighing in probably already has them nervous. Apparently, he used to jack it to Green and her go go boots.

As long as 1960s Nancy Sinatra is involved, sign me the hell up.

They would never do that. Hey, let’s go to IHOB!

Marshala Ali:  Cottonmouth, Prowler, and Blade. 

Has anyone else done that apart from Patton Oswald? He has his Agents of Shield character, MODOK and his Eternals post credits character.

As long as at least one universe is drawn in the depressing-as-fuck Soviet style from the 80s, I’m in.

It’s not just a movie thing. Some years back they pivoted to Spider-Man doing a lot of multiverse stuff, after dipping a toe in with the Shattered Dimensions video game and a 616-Ultimate crossover where Peter meets Miles.

They do seem to pull a lot from recent sources.

I think it’s mainly because Bendis created Miles, and then the editors were like, “Wouldn’t it be cool if Miles could meet 616-Peter?” And the writers were like, “Yeah, that would be cool. Let’s do that!”

Oscar Isaac going for the hat trick on Marvel characters (Apocalypse, Moon Knight, and Spider-Man 2099).  


It’s weird that Spider-man has become the Marvel movie franchise that is going all in on multiverse storylines.   In the comics that was really more the domain of the X books.  Excalibur and then Exiles especially but even the X-Men proper books dealt a lot with multiple time lines and alternate dimension characters.

The only way Family Matters should reboot is if the cast is all white and the name is changed to All Families Matter.

She’s also the one actress in the Better Things family who actually does have a stereotypically male first name, like her character. Sort of the reverse of the one member of ZZ Top without a beard being named “Beard”.

Scream 4 promised that Stab 5 would have time travel. Your review doesn’t mention time travel. Pass.