
They could have invited the finder and his family to Haribo headquarters and factory a la Willy Wonka, taken a bunch of photos, and sent him home with a car full of candy, costing them a couple hundred euros, and got tens of thousands of euros of publicity in return.

This is kind of lame. They really blew a chance for some good publicity here.

I had a post the other week about the “rescuing Troy” plotline, and in that case they could have him play essentially the same role that Mark Hamill did in The Force Awakens.  

Expect a letter from the Pelican Anti-Defamation League soon. 

Interesting right up to the point it turns out to be limited to jumping through hoops on social media.

These are freakin’ great. They bake their rolls daily, and they slice their cold cuts to order. Absolutely yes to the cherry pepper relish.

Many of the convenience products that hit supermarket shelves post-WWII were the result of food scientists perfecting ways to feed huge numbers of servicemen in far-flung war zones overseas. They came up with all sorts of dried and powdered products that could be readily turned into comforting meals in the field where

I bought “Cooking for Dummies” when I was in college. Turns out it was Cooking for Dummies With An Unlimited Budget (at least from my perspective at the time). I got a Betty Crocker cookbook next it’s never left my kitchen in 25 years. The sugar cookie recipe in there makes the literal best cutout cookies.

According to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History, the idea of “convenience foods” came to prominence in the 1940s. With rising consumer demand in shelf-stable pantry foods

“Art is fire plus algebra.” That’s a quote credited to Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. Basically the idea is that in really great art—and, by extension, storytelling—there is an almost mathematical precision to decision-making. Yes, much of artistic expression is about feeling and emotion. But plugging that into a

I mean, if you made it a season and a half in, you know what it is. If that thing is not for you, then it’s not.

It’s it drives me crazy whenever anyone says they prefer British ‘Office’ over ‘murican ‘Office’.

What’s especially frustrating about Chappelle is that there was still thoughtful stuff in his initial Netflix sets even as he was introducing the transphobic bullshit into them. He had a very obvious choice of doubling down on the thoughtfulness or the transphobia and he went with becoming a fucking transphobe icon

I’ll agree with you that Gervais doesn’t really deserve to be in the same league as Chappelle. But it’s starting to look like the Dave Chappelle of today doesn’t either.

a “woman” sign on a bathroom door has never ever stopped a rapist. And certainly a tranwoman going in the men’s bathroom is at much  greater risk for assault.

so yes and no, currently Activision can/is trying to get the vote over turned stating that the vote should have been for the whole company (ravensoft) rather than just the QA department. Phil Spencer is basically saying that when the buyout is finalized they will accept the union as it currently stands without trying

Only if the beer was delivered to the ISS.

$15 a month ... Let’s also assume any big-budget games ... cost an industry-standard $60. By that math, you’d need to play two full-price games via Game Pass every four months to justify the cost.

Do you give the other person the full order of fries, or do you keep it for yourself? This is a moral dilemma you may face

Remember, when they were unable to buy Ubi they bought Blizzard. That should provide enough of an answer.