
Motion aiming is incredible for shooters and absolutely should become standard.

PC, Xbox, and PlayStation are confirmed. A port to Switch would be a fair assumption, but it hasn't been confirmed yet.

I’ve maintained for a while now that Sora is never getting into Smash while Sakurai’s in the director’s chair. In order to put Sora in, and thus Kingdom Hearts, they’d either need to compromise Smash’s role as a celebration of gaming and only gaming, or poorly represent Kingdom Hearts by removing most of the core

That doesn't really make sense. There's nothing problematic in the source material.

I'd add Klaw to the list of good ones. He doesn't do much, but Andy Serkis was clearly having a blast playing him in Black Panther. He does a great job chewing the scenery.

At that point, why not throw in some Disney Channel characters to complete the trinity? I wanna see Jake Long, Juniper Lee, and Danny Phantom battle to the death.

I don’t think Bethesda would work on Fallout again since they seem more interested in doing their own IP. Personally, I would expect Microsoft to set up a new dev to make new Fallout games. Get everybody from Bethesda, Obsidian, inXile, and Zenimax who wants to work on Fallout into a studio, then let Bethesda work on

So long as Grimace is there I'd be fine with it.

This looks great! I liked Guacamelee as much as I could like a Metroidvania. This looks much more up my alley.

Evidently not, given that people have gotten into Qanon in their forties and fifties, despite it being far more ridiculous than most religions. 

But what’s the point of playing on a PC if you can’t be insufferably smug and dismissive of everyone else for having fun differently?

Warner Bros really likes making movies where they just dump a ton of their IP in one spot, huh? The Lego Movies, Ready Player One, Looney Tunes: Back in Action, now this.

It’s got the screensaver.

They had/have an okay number of timed exclusives (Gylt, Orcs Must Die 3, Baldur’s Gate 3, a Pac-Man battle royale for some reason) but they had exactly one first-party game announced that is now unlikely to actually come out.

You forgot Blue Dragon. Blue Dragon was also really good.

I just feel bad for the developers. They're no doubt extremely talented, and I imagine the idea of working on a big triple-A Harry Potter game must be incredibly exciting. But now the whole experience is tainted by Rowling's inability to shut the hell up.

Actually, based on some throwaway dialogue in Power Rangers In Space, the Power Rangers may actually be in the Star Wars universe.

Christmas Shoes must remain for the sake of Patton Oswald's standup. And we need to eliminate Happy Christmas (War Is Over) first, as it is the worst Christmas song.

It's Kingdom Hearts, bud. Context only makes it more nonsensical.

Only if there's a path where you can romance them.