
Theatrical. There was a Disney+ Phineas and Ferb movie a lot more recently.

Very excited for this movie, and I don’t mean to knock it in saying this but...its funny how when every animated tv show does their eventual movie, it’s always in the house style but with added shadows and dimensional shading. Always!

What’s hilarious is that this is technically Disney’s first 2D movie in over a dacade.

Honestly, I think it’s both. (The only reason I have speculation about this is that, from what I’ve read, he seems to be a pretty honest interview subject.) I think he enjoys getting to direct a feature-length cartoon starring a bunch of crazy monster characters... and I think he also is perpetually hoping that it

Hot take: Whedon’s version of Batman was one of the more refreshing takes on the character.

The “he’s more human than I am” talk with Alfred was also a good’un.

Yeah, but it’s got built in sequel titles: See 2 Me and See for M3.

Hot take: Whedon’s version of Batman was one of the more refreshing takes on the character. Typically, Batman’s somehow able to keep up with all his superpowered allies despite being a normal dude, but in Whedon’s version, he is written as a normal dude in a war against gods, especially in the final battle where he

I think Whedon is getting to much credit here. Like obviously he made it worse, but Ben is clearly stating that he didnt enjoy being a famous superhero because his life was totally falling apart. Totally understandable really.

See For Me receives a C from me.

Im pretty sure Bingbing Fan is Asian.

To be obviously titled “The 569"

can we talk about this instead?

Well, according to deep Tarantino lore and internet weirdos like me, Fox Force Five MIGHT actually be Kill Bill and the events of Kill Bill are just a movie that Uma’s character from Pulp Fiction acted in.

Look like you tried again with that comment and see where that got us!

It’s because an EA Play subscription is included with a Game Pass membership.

It’s not like American Christmas movies don’t do it also. Not a lot of Easter Orthodox January Christmases being depicted.

Your right, something like 5 to 10 percent of American Jews have a background that is Sephardic or Mitzrahi. I think the point the author was trying to make was against shallow tokenism in general, which flattens understanding of minority groups into their most simply recognizable elements.

“They even present their Jewish guest with bagel and lox to make him feel more welcome, a cringe-inducing gesture that passes without comment.”

Hanukkah never had a chance. For centuries, Christian missionaries shamelessly ripped off every beloved “winter celebration” tradition from the cultures they were trying to convert and grafted it onto Christmas. “You want lights? We GOT LIGHTS! Oh, you want a tree? WE GOT A TREE! Wreaths you say? WE GOT WREATHS! Gift