
I have no idea what’s going on here. The restaurant claims the tip wouldn’t go through cause the credit card company flagged it as fraud (not surprising). They tried to get the guy to come back and pay the tip a different way and he wouldn’t. Supposedly the customer tried to get the credit card company to authorize it

“decent list of cast members”

That’s certainly a lot of names, but for a special organized by the show itself, it’s telling that they couldn’t get their, oh, let’s say five most successful cast members to literally phone it in for a few minutes.  During a pandemic.

In the case of Smash Ultimate, Sakurai actually explained the best reason for more DLC when he was announcing the second Fighters Pass: there’s never going to be another Smash game like Ultimate. Getting every character Smash had ever had into one game was actually an extreme challenge, and the next Smash most likely

Glad it helps the kiddos. Personally, I’m finding this latest crossover... uninspiring. It feels like a cash grab for everyone. The Marvel cast was one thing, but Mando? Maybe they should have been honest and just dumped The Child in there.

I am so thankful for this goofy constantly changing and updating game. My kids are always hyped about what could come next, and rewarding them with vbucks has been an enticing carrot to get them through virtual school during this stupid year.

Yeah I was wary of him after hearing him on the Pete Holmes podcast a couple years back complain about “SJWs coming out” to “attack” him after he made a transphobic joke on Twitter.

Fortnite is turning into the non-VR version of the game from Ready Player One.

The lesson is she needs to team up with Paul Feig again ASAP

I’m not 100% sure and they MAY not refer to her surname in the actual movie—I pulled that off IMDB and it’s in the summary of the play (which I haven’t seen), so I didn’t really give it a second thought. But I’m not sure if they refer to her as anything but Angie in-text. I’d guess it’s a remnant of a very

I do think he’s fairly popular, but it does feel like they’re overstepping in trying to make a genial talk show host into a ubiquitous movie star. Fallon at least had the decency to fail at movies before returning to late night, and pretty much staying there since then, give or take a children’s book or whatever. And

Can someone explain why Kidman’s character is named “Angie Dickinson”?

I don’t mean for this to be edgy or snarky, but is there a demand for James Corden?

I thought it was a fantastic movie, only finding out right at the end that I was actually watching 2015's Spy the whole time! What a twist!

I know she’s capable of making really good movies - I loved Spy, and really liked The Heat, so it just makes these mediocre comedies that much more frustrating.  I guess it’s sweet that she supports her husband, but his work seems very least common denominator.  

who mostly communicates to her in the voice (and occasional image) of James Corden.

People who live outside of NYC and don’t have bodegas: where do you go to buy two Diet Cokes, a roll of paper towels, and oh also lemme get some peanut butter m&ms since I’m here, why not

This was my dumb Twitter joke about this:

all the latest social media outrage is on James Corden playing a gay man (as opposed to how he plays a straight man in real life?). Anyway - thoughts on this? The consensus I’ve read and input from gay friends, isn’t so much that it’s not ok for straights to play gays, but more of a specific anti-James Corden thing.

A fun little bit of Marvel deep cut in X of Swords is the lore surrounding Kid Cable’s sword: The Light of Galador

I highly doubt it can run the games off the discs (especially Gamecube which has a specialized disc). Instead you run the emulation and load in the digital software.