
This brand was made for you and me: A holiday swag roundup

This checks out. Not just good on Drunk History but ALWAYS good on Drunk History.

When is there going to be an international incident and the couple from The Christmas Drop comes in to help save the day?

I feel this image has never been more relevant

Producers: Let’s throw in a fun cameo from another movie, for the fans!

I measure Vanessa Hudgenses with the same stick as ever other actor in existence: Were they good on Drunk History? And yes, she was. Therefore she is great.

Producers: Let’s throw in a fun cameo from another movie, for the fans!

I measure Vanessa Hudgenses with the same stick as ever other actor in existence: Were they good on Drunk History? And yes, she was. Therefore she is great.

So where’s the Thanos to thin the herd of Vanessa Hudgenses, because the world cries out for less of her IMDB. Good lord, you'll want to look at that filmography with a hazmat suit on.

If you just added ‘and we are both detectives’ you’d have a hell of an 80s TV show.

NJ does have some excellent Indian food. Wedding food is kind of a category in itself, though - special-occasion, rich and calorie-dense. Regular everyday food in India is much simpler and less rich.

It’s true. Indian food here is generally terrible; it’s much better in Britain. Though homemade is better than either, if you’re into cooking.

I’m Palestinian and my wife is Jewish.

Low bar.

While Indian food is great on it’s own, being the best food in England is not much of a bar. It’s like being the best looking person at Berkeley.

The British Empire was built upon conquering peoples with much tastier cuisine than their own. 

Whenever I’ve been there, the best food in England has always been Indian! 

Like many things, this is one of those issues that you just feel or you don’t. Everyone has different hands. Some will find the symmetric sticks uncomfortable, and how uncomfortable they are will range from mild to severe. Some will not understand the issue at all because things are fine for them. Others still may

I was really excited about replaying Sunset Overdrive a few years back only to discover that it doesn’t really allow for that. If you want to go through the campaign again from the start, you either have to delete your save or sign in under a different profile. No alternate save slots; no New Game+.

Sunset Overdrive was the launch game I surprisingly liked the best out of the lineup. I was fully expecting playing a bunch of Killer Instinct and Forza 5, but instead ended up playing kinda sorta Jet Set Radio killing soda zombies. It was a highly underrated game, and I’m a little surprised at the numbers given the