
Giant-Man slugging (what appears to be) Devil Dinosaur is *peak* comics, which pleases me greatly.

You’re 100% correct. My boys and I watched EMH and it’s a great intro the Marvel in the same way Brave and the Bold is for highlighting DC characters usually overlooked. 

Normally, I’d be like “grumble grumble corporate greed capitalism exploited workers etc” (especially at Nintendo, generally regarded as one of the more gulag-like workplaces in greater Seattle, as they exploit every loophole in labor law to screw their lower-end workforce in customer service, data entry, accounting,

really the end of an era, but I wonder what exactly they want to do with Akihabara, are they planning to get rid of the tech/geek hub?

It was extremely popular in live performance in London, of all places. You’d think a musical where the heroes are separatists from the UK would be booed there, so I think it must be a pretty easy sell, actually.

I didn’t understand why this musical was so incredibly beloved and spoken about in such intensely high regard, then I watched the disney+ stream and it is truly really really damn good. You probably shouldn’t have given those tickets away. At the least you should have sold them.

I really never thought I’d find myself rising to the defense of Hamilton, but that is the absolute dumbest hot take I’ve heard in a while.

three good things about that movie.

Does this take into account the 8 billion streams the Old Guard got on Netflix?

I think the joke may be meant this way. Hilldale is shown as a capitalist Reagan-era un-Utopia (see the Pepsi ad where Ayatollah Khomeini and Ronald Reagan fight over your food order) where Marty’s entire life has led to bootlicking materialist desperation. Despite Mr. Fusion, which I think may have been invented by

I saw two re-runs of this show as a kid. I remember liking it back then but it has not aged well.

Disney+ also has the vastly superior Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes which is well worth a binge. There are some really long plot arcs, including Secret Wars.

The lawyer joke is fine, but I’m not sure that I’d want to live in an extension of the current American judicial system that just got to its decision quicker with less deliberation.

The backstory of how they conceived the Back to the Future... um... future was dependent on a couple things. They felt like they couldn’t predict the future, so most of what they added are jokes. They also didn’t want it to be a grim dystopian view of the future like was common in a lot of 80's sci-fi. I think this is

“I would watch the heck out of Thomas Middleditch Needs a Kidney.”

Now playing

Yeah, came here to say this. One of the reasons they were closely allied with the Empire + Clan Saxon until [spoilers].

Same. Feels like the show would really benefit froma Canderous Ordo type Mandalorian: Definitely a Mandy, definitely a big, badass beater of ass, but also more old and worn out. Less serious about the traditions and quotes and such, takes off his helmet feely, but still knows it all, just treats it like pageantry

Yeah, the helmet thing was really jarring since in Clone Wars and Rebels all the Mandos are constantly removing their helmets. It could be explained as being part of one faction being really strict and old-school, but you’d think if that was true that Death Watch would be the likeliest adherents.  Especially

It’s Filoni, of course they will. I bet we get a wolf of some sort at some point too.

Really interested to find out if they’re going to address the variances in Mando tradition amongst the houses and clans, like removing helmets.