
That’s what I’m saying regarding shitty video game hollywood movies. I mean, look at the AssCreed movie. Michael Fassbender did that shit. And he’s A-list. Nobody really gave a fuck about that movie. His wife Alicia Vikander did the Tomb Raider reboot movie. That was meh. Now Uncharted is moving forward with Tom


I’m increasingly thinking we’re already there.

It would be beyond hilarious if he ends up milking reshoot funds out of WB for so long that the Snyder Cut ends up being a totally different movie with none of the original footage.

yah one thing that bothered me about Release the Synder cut cry was the notion, that frankly Synder leaned in to, was that there was just a complete and finished movie sitting in a can (he literally posted a picture of film cans!). Synder’s movie was always unfinished.

Yes, I think it was called Justice League (2017) and it had a budget of 300 million.

Not grimderp, er, grimdark enough.

Honestly, this kind of reminds me of the comic book bubble of the 90's and what happened to Marvel. WB’s going big and bold on this grimdark nonsense that they’ve dumped a shit ton of money that only appeals to a very niche market onto a fledgling streaming site while its parent company already spent a lot tying to

At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they brought back Shaq.

The movie begins with Luthor, the Joker, and Deathstroke sitting on the yacht shooting the shit. Then one of them asks, “What would be it be like if the guys who keep thwarting our crimes were sad, angry monster people?”

I’m half convinced that there’s some sort of “The Producers”-style scheme going on.

Has there ever been anything that’s received this much funding and this much press that has been this stupid and pointless? 

Christ, just stop.  I just want it to stop.

Release the Snyder cut!

I mean for Bautista, being in a movie is probably more meaningful to himself as, he’s been working hard to earn his name in Hollywood as an talented actor and not just a wrestler who does movies.

you can play the whole game as Bautista, with re-recorded dialogue.

We’ve already begun stockpiling in anticipation of this. I’ve recently started collecting non-perishable and frozen items for the various holiday dinners we will be having at home which we don’t usually do. I assume more people will be having their own holidays so I’m willing to bet some of these things will be hard

I would think from a studio/developer perspective this is a bad time to release games. You have tons of people who have not upgraded to the new hardware and are not going to buy your game because of it. Development of the game is stressful because if they make any changes to the specs of the consoles you might need to