
I swear, a whole bunch of scenes in 4 were designed entirely so the animators could show off. And that’s not a bad thing.

That carnival scene at the end of the film is just stunningly beautiful. It captures all the warm feelings a kid would associate with a night time summer fair.

A great example is the opening scene of Toy Story 4 when they show RC with water, rain, darkness and torchlight all mixed in. It’s a quick shot (and I couldn’t find a great picture) but it’s amazing to compare.

This is the reason I’m pro-Toy Story sequel even though everyone whines “who even asked for a sequel” before it’s released and becomes critically acclaimed and a box office hit. It’s a nice way to check in and go “this is what we can do now”.

Yeah’d I’d agree with that. Even 2, which has its detractors, is now hailed as a classic. They’re just fucking great movies. 

Oh, they’re fantastic together, and would have made for a great 90s Shane Black buddy duo.

I love the original trilogy. 2 and 3 are weaker than the first one for obvious reasons but are both an absolute blast from start to finish.

Dhe Hard With a Vengeance isn’t what I’d consider the best Die Hard movie (that’s, obviously, Die Hard) but it’s the one I have the most fun watching. It’s like a Rube Goldberg machine in movie form, and Willis and Jackson make a dynamite buddy duo.

Tin Toy himself looks pretty damn good even even if that baby looks...well, what could they do?

I feel nothing’s beyond the realm of possibility this year.

Oh good, it wasn’t Norm or Cliff...

For a hot minute I was frantically trying to remember who Jerry Harris played on Cheers.

Every time...every time I see a headline about this story, I briefly panic that one of my favorite feel-good shows is going to be ruined by something more serious than Kristey Alley and John Ratzenberger’s dumb opinions.

“Now this is my fuckin’ jam right here!”

His Dawn of the Dead is the high-water mark of practical head-exploding effects.

I have no problem with people who like Snyders movies. I kinda still dig parts of 300 and his Dawn of the Dead is a lot fun.

Honestly, I don’t get the sense that Marvel, at least, has any particular hostility toward the DC movies. I mean, there’s probably a bit of schadenfreude at seeing the other guy’s expanded universe collapse in acrimony and failure while you have the most successful franchise in film history, but it’s pretty clear the

As someone who doesn’t like Zach Snyder’s movies, I have no problem with other people who like them. The thing is, way back in my days on io9, I had been kind of leaning into the whole idea that liking Snyder’s movies made you a terrible person and, because Snyder’s politics lean conservative, that was the only group

Unintended attributes” meaning any unauthorised addition to a character. The old Mario Bros movie is a good example of this. What Nintendo is basically saying is that they’re policing their characters, especially when collaborating with other companies.

Not to disagree with your opinion, of course. It’s a pretty valid one, IMO.